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g. The costs of the education/treatment described above are to be borne by <br />the EAP program or the participant. Starting with the third violation the <br />participant is responsible for all costs associated with the EAP program. <br />h. If the participant is currently in a JATC sponsored apprenticeship <br />program, additional sanctions/consequences may apply, up to and <br />including discharge. Please refer to JATC policies for further guidance. <br />2. Participants whose test results show an alcohol concentration of at least 0,04 shall <br />be deemed as testing positive and shall be discharged pursuant to the <br />Sanctions/Consequences (P. Sanctions/Consequences, 1. Positive test results: a <br />through g). Participants whose test results show an alcohol concentration 0.02 or <br />greater but less than 0.04 shall be removed from the worksite for twenty-four (24) <br />hours or until their next scheduled work shift, whichever is longer. <br />3. A diluted specimen result will require a retest. The Substance Abuse Policy <br />Coordinator will report the dilute to the designated contractor and/or union <br />representative in the event that the MRO assistant is unable to reach the <br />participant to go over the following information. A participant providing a <br />diluted specimen shall be given the opportunity to retest the following day after <br />notification. The participant should refrain from consumption of fluids after 9:00 <br />p.m. the night before recollection. The participant should limit fluid intake to a <br />minimum the day of and up to collection time. If the participant cannot attend the <br />retest the following day, the participant must receive approval from the Substance <br />Abuse Policy Coordinator to retest at a later date. A second diluted test without a <br />medical reason carries the same consequences as testing positive. The Substance <br />Abuse Policy Coordinator can at their discretion reject the explanation. If the two <br />parties cannot agree, the Drug Policy Committee may consider the matter further. <br />4. Participants who switch, tamper, or attempt to switch or tamper with any <br />screening test or sample will be discharged and the Identification Card revoked. <br />This would include an event where a collector discovers a prosthetic or other <br />device designed to carry "clean" urine and urine substitutes on the participant in <br />the course of conducting a urine collection for drug testing. The result will be <br />considered a refusal to test, having the same consequences as a positive drug test. <br />5. Participants who refuse to submit to a drug or alcohol test as required by this <br />policy or to execute any relevant documentation such as consent or release of <br />information forms are subject to discharge and revocation of the Identification <br />Card. The result will be considered a refusal to test, having the same <br />consequences as a positive drug test. <br />6. Any participant who is convicted of, or pleads guilty to, a drug or alcohol related <br />offense that occurred in the workplace will be discharged. The result will be <br />treated as a positive drug test, having the same consequences as, a positive drug <br />test. <br />7. Any participant who is convicted of, or pleads guilty to, an alcohol or drug related <br />offense that occurred outside the workplace may be discharged :VA ; ; is part <br />of the participant's duties and responsibilities. The result will be treated as a <br />positive drug test, having the same consequences as a positive drug test. If the <br />-12- <br />