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the basis to warrant testing, will be made, and the participant will be directed to <br />submit to testing. A copy will be sent to the employer, participant and the union. <br />Iu any reasonable cause situation, the employer will ensure that the participant is <br />transported to an appropriate facility. The participant may request that a Union <br />representative. also be present. In the absence or unavailability of a Union <br />representative, the testing process will not be delayed. The employer will ensure <br />the participant is transported back to the work site, where a spouse, family <br />member, or other individual will be contacted to transport the participant to the <br />participant's residence. In the event no such individual is available, the employer <br />will provide transportation to the participant's residence. If the participant refuses <br />to agree to any of these procedures and attempts to operate his or her own vehicle, <br />the employer may take appropriate efforts to discourage the participant from <br />doing so, up to and including contacting local law enforcement officials. Any <br />participant failing to cooperate with any of the procedures described above will be <br />subject to discharge and revocation of the Identification Card. <br />5. Post -Accident Testing <br />For purposes of this policy, an accident is an event that occws while an <br />participant is on working time or conducting a contractor's business, whether on <br />or off a job site, when that event results in (1) death, (2) bodily injury to a person <br />who receives medical treatment away from the scene of the accident, or <br />(3) property damage. This will include serious near miss accidents. <br />As soon as possible, but no later than two (2) hours after an accident, each <br />participant whose performance either may have contributed to the accident or <br />cannot be completely discounted as a contributing factor to the accident, will be <br />tested fot• drugs and alcohol. A participant who is seriously injured and cannot <br />provide a specimen at the time of the accident shall provide the necessary <br />authorization for obtaining samples, hospital reports, and/or other documents that <br />would indicate whether there were drugs or alcohol in his or her system at the <br />time of the accident. A participant who refuses to provide such authorization will <br />be considered to have refused to submit to testing. <br />If there is a reasonable cause basis for the post -accident test, the participant will <br />be subject to all the reasonable cause provisions. <br />6. Return To Work And Follow -Up Testing <br />a. Any pa��ticipant returning to work after an absence of any duration for a <br />positive test result and/or counseling/rehabilitation/treatment purposes <br />must satisfactorily pass a drug screen to be eligible to work. <br />b. Follow up tests will be required for a minimum of 12 months after an <br />participant returns to work from a positive test result and/or <br />counseling/rehabilitation/treatment and the time could be longer if <br />recommended by the SAP. The participant will be subject to not less than <br />four (4) unannounced follow-up tests. Four (4) follow up tests is the <br />minimum number required and the SAP may recommend more than four <br />(4). The Substance Abuse Policy Coordinator will schedule any <br />-9- <br />