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e. The homeowner shall complete the following actions prior to action being taken under the <br />Sewer Insurance Program to repair the Private Sewer: <br />i. Sign an Agreement for right of entry to property and Release furnished by the Sewer <br />Department authorizing right of entry onto the affected private property for purposes of <br />making said repairs and releasing the City from any claim arising from the City's entry <br />onto the property for such repair purposes (form of which is attached hereto and <br />incorporated herein as Exhibit A); <br />ii. Execute a notarized Payment Agreement (form of which is attached hereto and <br />incorporated herein as Exhibit B) with the City of South Bend Water Works for the <br />payment of the 500 deductible that the homeowner is responsible to pay under the Sewer <br />Insurance Program. <br />£ The Sewer Insurance Administrator shall hire a contractor from the Registry to inspect and <br />repair the Private Sewer. The contractor shall first attempt to clean the line by cable <br />machine. The contractor shall only be released from their attempt to clean the Private Sewer <br />with cable machine by the Sewer Insurance Administrator or his representative. <br />g. If the contractor successfully cleans the Private Sewer through cable auger, the City shall <br />reimburse the homeowner any difference in cost actually paid by the homeowner if the <br />contractor's fee is less than the $500 program deductible. If the Contractor's cost is greater <br />than, $500 the City will cover the difference in cost from the sewer service fund. if the total <br />cost of repair is less than $500, the Sewer Insurance Administrator shall readjust the total <br />amount due from the homeowner under any Reimbursement Agreement signed by the <br />homeowner to match the actual fee. <br />h. If the contractor is unsuccessful in cleaning the Private Sewer through use of a cable machine, <br />the City may hue the next contractor from the Registry to repair the Private Sewer through <br />excavation. <br />i. As conditions warrant, the Sewer Insurance Administator may authorize a new sewer <br />cleanout to be installed on a Private Sewer to facilitate fiuhure clean -out and repair activities <br />on the Private Sewer at no cost to the homeowner minus the cost of the sewer insurance <br />deductible. <br />The homeowner shall ensure <br />that their Private Sewer has <br />an accessible <br />4-inch minimum <br />clean -out to allow access by <br />the City and its <br />contractor. <br />Toilets, floor <br />drains, gutter <br />downspouts, or roof vents are not considered <br />acceptable <br />access points. <br />j. The Sewer Insurance Administrator may, as situation warrants, and as recommended by the <br />Health Department, direct work to be performed render the Sewer Insurance Program where <br />conditions in a residence threaten the health of the homeowner, tenants or neighboring <br />residents. In such cases, work may proceed as directed with only a signed Right of Entry <br />and Release form, with payment form to be signed after the work is complete. <br />3. Program Management <br />a. The Board designates the Sewer Insurance Administrator as the decision -maker and manager <br />charged with daily oversight and administration of the Sewer Insurance Program. The Sewer <br />Insurance Administrator may prescribe and make recommendations concerning the work <br />performed by Contractors listed on the Registry in order to ensure that the work performed is <br />cost effective for the City and the property owner, with minimal disruption of City services <br />and operations <br />b. Pre -Qualification Process: <br />