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<br />RESOLUTION NO. 6-1 t. L-1)0 k 2
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<br />the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, acknowledges that in 1989, "...a tall
<br />lanky white -guy walked up to a group of South Bend street kids and offered a challenge. If any of them could
<br />beat him in a game of one -on -one, he'd buy them a brand new pair of sneakers of their choosing ... the next
<br />Saturday... more than 60 inner -city youth [were] waiting outside the gym, ready to school this scrub" in the 300
<br />block of West Jefferson Boulevard in South Bend; and
<br />(A/11_k.,,.;, not a single pair of sneakers had to be bought that day by Pat Magley. He took the time to start
<br />meaningful dialogues with these young men that day, where they talked and shared their feelings and ideas
<br />about "identity, leadership, conflict management, hygiene and respect "; and the idea and concept of Heroes
<br />Camp was born; and
<br />24 -years later, Pat Magley, a basketball star at LaSalle High School and West Georgia College,
<br />and his wife BJ, now have four (4) gyms where well over 100,000 youth have enthusiastically participated in
<br />Heroes Camp. Pat has become a father figure to so many who do not have a father in their own lives; and you
<br />will hear him being called "Pops" and "Dad" by the youth participating at Heroes Camp; and
<br />the Common Council notes that Pat & BJ Magley have made positive impacts on a countless
<br />number youth, thanks to with their sincere and enduring dedication; with their passion being recognized by
<br />many - some of which include recognitions in 2013 by Governor Pence when they received the Torchbearer
<br />Award; in 2011 when Governor Mitch Daniels presented them the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Chairman's
<br />Award & the Sam Jones Trailblazer Award; in 2011 when the Heart of the Irish Award was presented to them
<br />by the Notre Dame Women's Basketball Team; and the Drum Major Award presented by former South Bend
<br />Mayor Stephen J. Luecke; and
<br />since 2007, Heroes Camp has operated at 4130 Hickory where they offer food, clothing,
<br />tutoring, counseling, recreation and free haircuts to 50 to 200 youth per day with youth coming from as far
<br />away as Gary, Detroit and Florida, in addition to the many youth from South Bend and the Michiana area;
<br />where they have partnered with Feed the Hungry, Sam's Club and many local restaurants in order to
<br />successfully and compassionately run this "family institution ".
<br />6m A,&.lo,.4 by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, as follows:
<br />Section I. On behalf of the citizens of South Bend, Indiana, the Common Council is proud to publicly
<br />recognize, honor and congratulate Pat & BJ Magley for their vision, dedication and passion in creating Heroes
<br />Camp, which is truly making a difference by providing a "fathering ministry" to so many youth and especially
<br />those from fatherless homes.
<br />Section II. The Council wishes Pat & BJ Magley & daughter Kelly continued success with Heroes
<br />Camp, www.heroescamp.com so it will grow in depth and numbers; continue to offer wisdom, and "the tools
<br />youth need to go out and live a life of faith and service ", all of which is "...rooted in spiritual principles and
<br />infused with a key ingredient all -to -often missing in today's society: love ".
<br />Section III . This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the Council
<br />and approval by the Mayor.
<br />Tim Scott, I" District
<br />H ry avis, jr., 2" i trict
<br />alerie Schey, 3' District
<br />Dr. Fred Ferlic, 4h District
<br />Dr. David A. Varner, 5t' District
<br />John Voorde, City Clerk
<br />Oliver J. Davis, Vice-Pres. & 6"' District
<br />Derek D. Dieter, President & At Large
<br />Gavin Ferlic, At Large Member
<br />Karen L. White, Com. of Whole Chair & At Large
<br />Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand, Council Attorney
<br />°4 -dy 9' .QO /8
<br />Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of South Bend
<br />