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South Bend Redevelopment Authority. <br />• Special N~eting - February 16, 1990 <br />4. NEW BUSINF55 (Cont.) <br />b. continued... <br />Resolution No. 16 acl~owledges that there are modifications to that lease and <br />authorizes execution of the lease as modified. On February 1, 1990, the <br />State Tax Board approved the bond issue.. The modifications to the lease were <br />minor and do not change the intent of the lease. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Fewell, seconded by Mr. McCullough and unanimously <br />carried, the Authority approved Resolution No. 16, approving modifications to <br />and execution of a lease between the South Bend Redevelopment Authority and <br />the South Bend Redevelopment Connnission for certain land and public <br />improvements, and regarding other related matters. <br />c. Authority approve]. requested for Resolution No. 17, a resolution of the South <br />Bend Redevelopment Authority, authorizing the issuance of the South Bend <br />Redevelopment Authority Lease Rental Revenue Bonds (South Bend Central <br />Development Area Public Improvement.Project). <br />Mrs. Kolata explained that Resolution No. 17 acl~owledges that the Authority <br />intends to issue bonds in the amount of $4,895,000, that the Authority <br />intends to lease the project to the Redevelo~nent Carmnission according to the <br />term.5 of the lease, that the Authority has been provided a form of Trust <br />• Agreement between the Authority and First Interstate Bank specifying the <br />funds that are to be set up and haw the bond money is to be handled. The <br />resolution limits the interest rate of the bonds to 8 1/2 percent per year <br />and contains a maturity schedule for the bonds. die resolution also <br />authorizes the Secretary of the Authority to publish a notice to sell the <br />bonds in the South Bend Tribune, the Tri-County News, and the Indianapolis <br />Star. A notice of the sale or a sunttnary may be published in Credit Market, a <br />financial journal in New York. Our financial consultant will also notify <br />others whom he thinks would be interested in our bond. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the Trust Agreement will not be signed today, but it <br />will be signed at the bond closing. <br />Mrs. Kolata explained that anyone interested in submitting a bid on the bonds <br />will notify us of their interest by a certain date. They will not submit <br />their bid at that time. We will then have thirty days to specify the date of <br />the bond sale. That will allow us scene flexibility to observe the market and <br />pick a good date for the bond sale. We will notify the interested parties <br />of the date of the bond sale, giving about a week's notice. Mrs. Kolata <br />noted that Resolution No. 17 also provides that if the President and <br />Secretary of the Authority determine that the conditions of the market at the <br />time of the sale are such that the Authority is able to f:iriance the projects <br />by issuing bonds in an amount less than $4,895,000, then the bond size will <br />be reduced. <br />• Mr. McCullough asked haw we will know if the projects can be done for a <br />smaller amount. Mrs. Kolata responded that we will have a better idea after <br />