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EXCERPTS OF MINUTES OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS MEETING - <br />AUGUST 6, 1984 <br />PUBLIC HEARING AND RECOMMENDATION - ALLEY VACATION - 2ND N/S ALLEY <br />EAST OF SHERMAN AVENUE RUNNING SOUTH FROM ROOSEVELT STREET TO THE <br />INTERSECTING E/W ALLEY <br />Mr. Leszczynski advised that this was the date set for the Board's <br />public hearing on a proposed alley vacation described as the 2nd <br />north /south alley east of Sherman Avenue running south from Roosevelt <br />Street a distance of one hundred twenty -eight (128) feet to the <br />intersecting east /west alley; abutting lots 233 and 234 of the <br />Northwest 3rd Plat to the City of South Bend. <br />It was noted that this public hearing is being held in order for <br />the Board to submit a recommendation to the Common Council con- <br />cerning the Petition filed by Prentise Bonds, 902 Roosevelt Street, <br />South Bend, Indiana. It was further noted that pursuant to South <br />Bend Municipal Code Section 18.53.8, owners whose property abut the <br />proposed alley to be vacated were notified of the Board's public <br />hearing date. <br />There being no one present to speak either for or against the proposed <br />alley vacation, upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski, seconded by <br />Mr. Hill and carried, the public hearing on this matter was closed. <br />Mr. Leszczynski advised that favorable comments have been received <br />from the Engineering Department, Area Plan Commission and the <br />Community Development Department regarding this vacation. Based <br />on those recommendations, upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski, <br />seconded by Mr. Vance and carried, the Clerk was instructed to <br />forward to the Common Council a favorable recommendation on the <br />above referred to alley vacation subject to any and all utility <br />easements. <br />