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! t t. 1 <br />within maturities, on any date, from any monies made available for that purpose, at <br />face value and without premium, plus accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption. <br />• The bonds may be transferred or exchanged at the principal office of the Trustee <br />subject to the terms and conditions of the Trust Agreement to be dated as of the first <br />day of June, 1988 (the "Trust Agreement"), pursuant to which the bonds are being <br />issued. <br />Any person interested in submitting a bid for the bonds must furnish in writing to the <br />Authority c/o Mr. Richard Treptow, Springsted Incorporated, 251 North Illinois Street, <br />Suite 1510, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-1942, on or before 10:00 a.m. (EST), <br />July 19, 1988, the person's name, address and telephone number. The person may also <br />furnish a telex number. The undersigned Secretary will cause each person so registered <br />to be notified of the date and time bids will be received not less than 24 hours before <br />the date and time of sale. The notification shall be made by telephone at the number <br />furnished by such person and also by telex if a telex number has been furnished. <br />Each bid must be for all of said bonds and must state the rate or rates of interest <br />therefor, not exceeding twelve percent (12%) per annum. All bids for bonds shall be <br />sealed, marked "Bid for South Bend Redevelopment Authority Taxable Lease Rental <br />Revenue Bonds (Coveleski Stadium Project)", and shall be presented to the Secretary at <br />the principal office of the Authority, and the Secretary shall continue to receive all <br />bids offered until the hour fixed for the sale of the bonds, at which time and place he <br />shall open and consider each bid. Bidders for the bonds shall be required to name the <br />rate or rates of interest which the bonds are to bear, .not exceeding twelve percent <br />(12%) per annum. The .interest rate on bonds of a given maturity must be at least as <br />great as the interest rate on bonds of any earlier maturity. No total payment due on <br />any date for the payment of principal and interest shall be in excess of $499,000. Bids <br />specifying more than one interest rate shall also specify the maturities of the bonds <br />• bearing each rate, and all bonds maturing on the same date shall bear the same single <br />rate of interest. Subject to the provisions contained below, the Secretary .shall award <br />the bonds to the bidder offering the lowest net interest cost to the Authority, to be <br />determined by computing the total interest on all of the bonds from the date thereof to <br />their maturities and deducting therefrom the premium bid, if any, or adding thereto the <br />amount of any discount, if any. Although not a term of sale, i t is requested that each <br />bid show the net dollar interest cost to final maturity and the net effective average <br />interest rate on the entire issue. No conditional bid or bids for less than 98.5% of the <br />par value of said bonds, plus accrued interest at the rate or rates named to the date of <br />delivery, will be considered. The Secretary shall have full right to reject any and all <br />bids. In the event no acceptable bid is received at the time fixed for the sale of said <br />bonds, the Secretary shall be authorized to continue to receive bids from day to day <br />thereafter for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, without readvertising; provideda <br />however, that if said sale be continued, no bid shall be accepted which offers an <br />interest cost which is equal to or higher than the best bid received at the time fixed-for <br />the sale of the bonds. <br />Each bid must be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check in the amount of Fifty- <br />Six Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($56,850), drawn on a bank or trust <br />company which is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and made <br />payable to "The South Bend Redevelopment Authority," to be held as a guarantee of the <br />good faith of the bidder. In the event the bidder to whom said bonds are awarded shall <br />fail or refuse to comply with the provisions of the bid and this notice, said check and <br />the proceeds thereof shall become the property of the Authority and shall be taken and <br />considered as liquidated damages of said Authority on account of such failure or <br />• refusal. The checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned immediately following the <br />award of the bonds. <br />