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South Bend Redevelopment Authority Stadium Facility Expense Fund. A portion of <br />Bond proceeds will be set aside in the Expense Fund for the purpose of paying all costs <br />related to the Issuance of the Bonds. Remaining funds, after payment of issuance costs, <br />will-be transferred to the Sinking Fund. <br />The Trustee shall invest all funds, or so much as is practicable in Qualified Securities as <br />permitted by law. Whenever the amounts contained in the Funds are sufficient to <br />redeem all outstanding Bonds, the Trustee shall apply the amounts in the Funds, except <br />the Rebate Fund, to the redemption of the Bonds. <br />Funds and Accounts of the Commission Per Resolution No. 849 <br />The Commission has established certain funds and accounts for the payment of the <br />rentals owed by the Commission as set forth in Resolution No. 849, .summarized as <br />follows. (A copy of Resolution No. 849 is exhibited in Appendix. E of this Official <br />S tatement). <br />Redevelopment District Bond Fund. This Fund will consist of a Principal and Interest <br />Account and such other accounts as the Commission may establish. <br />Parking Garage Principal and Interest Account. The Commission shalt levy in 1988 a <br />special tax upon all taxable property in the District in a total amount sufficient, <br />together with all funds in the Stadium Principal and Interest Account deposited into <br />such Account from any other sources during the previous 12 calendar months prior to <br />August I, 1988, to pay all lease rental payments payable in the 18-month period <br />beginning on January I, 1989. The Commission shall levy in each calendar, year <br />beginning in 1989 a special tax upon all taxable property in the District in a total <br />• amount sufficient, together with all other funds in the Stadium Principal and Interest <br />Account deposited into such Account from any other sources during the previous 12 <br />calendar months prior to August I of such calendar year. Such taxes shall be deposited <br />in the Stadium Principal and Interest Account and pledged for purposes set forth in the <br />Resolution. <br />Procedures for Property Assessment, Tax Levy and Collection, and Tax Abatements <br />Real Property in the State is assessed each year as of March 1. On or before August I <br />each year, the County Auditor must submit to each underlying unit a statement of (i) <br />the estimated assessed value of the unit as of March I of that year, and (ii) an estimate <br />of the taxes to be distributed to the unit during the last six months of the current <br />budget year. The estimated assessed value is based on abstracts delivered to the <br />Auditor. by the Township Assessor or his designee on or before July 15. <br />The estimated value is used when the Common Council meets to establish its budget for <br />the next fiscal year (January I through December 31), and to set tax rates and levies. <br />By statute, this must be done not later than the last Monday in August. The budget, tax <br />levy and tax rate is subject to review and revision by the State Board of Tax <br />Commissioners. <br />On or before December 31, the County Auditor prepares and delivers the final abstract. <br />The County Treasurer mails tax statements the following April. Property taxes are due <br />and payable to the County Treasurer in two installments on May 10 and November 10. <br />• If an installment of taxes is not completely paid on or before the due date, a penalty of <br />10% of the amount delinquent is added to the amount due. On May 10 and November 10 <br />of each year thereafter, an additional penalty equal to 10% of any taxes remaining <br />-S - <br />