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Y • ~ ~ <br />The sum of $5,522,225.49 received from the sale of the Bonds by the Trustee shall, then <br />be applied on behalf of the Authority to the purchase price of the Facility. The balance <br />• of the proceeds will be used to f finance the costs of issuance. <br />Security and Financing <br />The Bonds are payable from lease rental payments of the Commission to the Authority <br />as provided in the Lease Agreement and secured by the Trust Agreement. The <br />Authority has no taxing power. The Trust Agreement creates a continuing pledge by <br />the Authority to the bondholders to pay the debt service on all Bonds, until the principal <br />sum shall be fully paid, from Pledged Funds (as defined in the Trust Agreement) held in <br />the Funds and Accounts in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Agreement. <br />(Refer to the "Trust Agreement" section of this Official Statement). <br />The Bonds do not constitute a corporate obligation of the City of South Bend for which <br />the full faith and credit or taxing powers of the City are pledged. However, funds for <br />the payment of the lease rental will be generated by the District, having the same <br />boundaries as the City, from unlimited ad valorem property taxes assessed throughout <br />the District. <br />Authorization <br />The Authority, a body corporate and politic, duly organized and existing under the <br />provisions of LC. 36 7-14.5, was created for the purpose of financing local public <br />improvements for lease to the Commission. The Authority is comprised of three <br />• members appointed by the Mayor. Current members of the Authority are listed below: <br />Thomas J. Varga, Jr., President <br />Joseph W. Wroblewski, Vice President <br />Christopher Davey, Secretary/Treasurer <br />On June 12, 1988, the Authority adopted the Bond Resolution (Resolution No. 8) <br />authorizing the issuance of the Lease Rental Revenue Bonds to finance the acquisition <br />of the Stadium Facility and related. costs. The Lease Agreement executed June I, 1988 <br />authorizes the lease of the Facility to the Commission and obligates the Commission to <br />make lease rental payments to the Authority as well as pay all taxes, insurance and <br />maintenance costs related to the Facility. The Trust Agreement, entered into on June <br />I, 1988 between the Authority and the Trustee, provides the security to the bondholders <br />by pledging to the repayment of the Bonds, sets up the Funds and Accounts, and pledges <br />to the maintenance of insurance and payment of taxes and other charges related to the <br />Facility. Resolution No. 849, known as the "Resolution of the South Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission Establishing Certain Funds and Accounts in Connection <br />with the Lease Dated As of June I, 1988, Between the South Bend Redevelopment <br />Commission and the South Bend Redevelopment Authority Relating to the Stanley <br />Coveleski Regional Stadium, and Other Related Matters" creates additional Funds and <br />Accounts of the Commission for the lease rental payments. <br />Summary of Selected Provisions of the Lease Agreement <br />The Lease Agreement entered into on June I, 1988 between the Authority and the <br />• Commission sets forth the terms and provisions under-which the Authority will lease the <br />Stadium Facility to the Commission. The term of the Lease is 9'h years beginning on <br />'September I, 1988 and ending on March I, 1998. The term of the Lease may terminate <br />-2- <br />