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~. <br />South Bend Redevelopment Authority <br />Special Meeting - April 14, 1988 <br />3. Continued... <br />and costs will be finalized. The proposed form of lease sets an annual <br />lease payment of $520,000. This, again, is based on conservative, worst <br />case figures and is expected to decrease as financing costs are finalized. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the timetable we are on would have the approvals <br />through the state process by about July 1. The notice of the bond sale, the <br />bidding on the bond and the .bond closing would take most of the month of <br />July. We expect to be able to issue a notice to the contractor to begin <br />construction about August 1. <br />Mrs. Kolata also noted that the decision to make the bonds taxable or tax <br />exempt has not .been made. There are restrictions if the bonds are tax <br />exempt. The question is whether the lower interest rate on tax exempt bonds <br />is worth the rental restrictions incurred by the tax exempt status. <br />Mr. Varga asked what the Local Property Tax Control Board and the State Tax <br />Board have to do. Mrs. Kolata responded that they have to approve the lease <br />and the lease payment amount. <br />Mr. Varga asked if the City would operate the garage. Mrs. Kolata responded <br />that the Authority would not be operating the garage. The lease allows the <br />Redeveloment Commission to enter into an agreement with the Parking Bureau <br />to operate it. <br />Mr. Varga asked what criteria the State Tax Board uses. Mrs. Kolata <br />responded that they evaluate the security of the financing and whether <br />revenue will be sufficient to pay off the bond. Springsted Inc., the <br />Commission's financial advisor, has made certain that there would be enough <br />revenue to pay for the bonds without levying taxes, even if the yearly <br />payment is $520,000. Garage revenues, the One Michiana Square UDAG <br />repayment and tax incremental financing revenues would be used to make the <br />lease payment. There will be a general obligation backup so that, if those <br />sources would not be enough to make the payment, taxes could be levied to <br />make up the difference. But that general obligation backup is security to <br />make the bonds more marketable and not expected to be used. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that in approving Resolution No. 2, the Authority would be <br />approving the proposed form of lease and approving the preliminary cost <br />estimates in the proposed form of lease. <br />Mr. Varga asked about the bidding process. Mrs. .Kolata explained that the <br />schedule calls for construction bids to be taken during the month of May. <br />The Board of Public Works will take the bids and be responsible for <br />construction management. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Davey, seconded by Mr. Wroblewski and unanimously <br />carried, the Authority adopted Resolution No. 2. <br />