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EXCERPTS OF MINUTES OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br /> MEETING - FEBRUARY 19 , 1985 <br /> PUBLIC HEARING AND RECOMMENDATION -. VACATION OF HYDRAULIC <br /> AVENUE RUNNING FROM EAST LA SALLE STREET NORTH AND <br /> NORTHEAST TO THE EAST RACE WATERWAY <br /> Mr . Leszczynski advised that this was the date set for the <br /> Board' s Public Hearing on the proposed vacation of a public <br /> right-of-way running from East LaSalle Street north and <br /> northeast to the East Race Waterway and adjacent to Lots 12 <br /> through 22 of Miller and Green' s Second Addition and the <br /> West Leg of the old East Race, commonly known as Hydraulic <br /> Avenue in the City of South Bend, St. Josepy County, Indiana. <br /> It was noted that this Public Hearing is being held in order <br /> for the Board to submit a recommendation to the Common Council <br /> concerning the Vacation Petition filed by the Redevelopment <br /> Commission, F. Jay Nimtz, President and Michael Donoho, Assistant <br /> Secretary. It was further noted that pursuant to South Bend <br /> Municipal Code Section 18 .53 , 8, the Redevelopment Commission, <br /> sole owner of abutting property, was notified of the Board' s <br /> Public Hearing date. <br /> There being no one present wishing to speak either for or against <br /> the proposed street vacation, and no written objections having <br /> been filed with the Board, upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski , <br /> seconded by Mr . Hill and carried, the Public Hearing on this <br /> matter was closed. <br /> Mr. Leszczynski advised that favorable comments have been <br /> received from the Engineering Department, Area Plan Commission <br /> and the Community Development Department concerning this pro- <br /> posed street vacation. <br /> Therefore, upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski , seconded by <br /> Mr . Hill and carried, the Clerk was instructed to forward to <br /> the Common Council a favorable recommendation on the above <br /> referred to street vacation subject to any and all utility <br /> easements . <br />