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LAPORTE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. <br />AND <br />NEW REGIME, LLC <br />NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />NOVEMBER 30, 2022 AND 2021 <br /> <br /> <br />7 <br />1. PRINCIPLES OF CONSOLIDATION AND DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS <br />Principles of Consolidation <br />The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of LaPorte <br />Construction Company, Inc. (“LaPorte”) and its wholly owned subsidiary, New Regime, LLC (“New <br />Regime”), collectively referred to as the “Companies”. Significant intercompany balances and <br />transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. <br />Description of Business <br />LaPorte is a heavy highway contractor involved principally in the construction, repair, and <br />resurfacing of bridges and overpasses, and installation of guardrail. LaPorte performs these <br />various construction activities primarily for state and local government agencies and their <br />designees in northern Indiana. LaPorte’s viability is dependent on the strength of the construction <br />industry, LaPorte’s ability to collect on its contracts, and LaPorte’s ability to profitably compete in <br />a competitive bid market, which is the source of substantially all of LaPorte’s contracts. <br />LaPorte’s contracts are generally performed under fixed-price or fixed-unit-price contracts and <br />time and material contracts, modified by incentive and penalty provisions. Completion periods <br />for LaPorte’s contracts range generally from a few weeks up to eighteen months. Typically fixed- <br />price or fixed-unit-price contracts involve more financial risk; however, they also offer the <br />opportunity for additional profits if LaPorte completes the contract in less time and at less cost <br />than originally estimated. Time and material contracts involve less risk, but often are less <br />profitable. <br />New Regime was formed in 2007 to acquire real estate which is leased to LaPorte for use as its <br />operating facility. <br /> <br />2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES <br />The significant accounting policies followed by the Companies in the preparation of its <br />consolidated financial statements are as follows: <br />Estimates <br />Management uses estimates and assumptions in preparing these consolidated financial <br />statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of <br />America. Those estimates and assumptions affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, <br />the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities, and the reported revenues and expenses. Actual <br />results could vary from the estimated that were used.