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• <br /> STAFF REPORT <br /> CHARLES W. COLE, JR. #943-85 June 6, 1985 <br /> 3308 E. Jefferson Blvd. , South Bend <br /> REQUESTED ACTION: The petitioners are requesting a zone change from <br /> "A" Residential, "A" Height and Area, to "B" <br /> Residential , "D" Height and Area to allow for the <br /> construction of multi-family housing. <br /> EXISTING LAND USE: The property is vacant. <br /> SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: Located to the north are single-family homes zoned <br /> "A" Residential and a CPA firm zoned "B" <br /> Residential ; to the east across 35th Street are <br /> single-family homes zoned "A" Residential ; to the <br /> south is the Grand Trunk Western Railroad tracks; <br /> and to the west is a single-family home zoned "A" <br /> Residential and offices zoned "B" Residential . <br /> ACCESS: Access to the site will be from both Jefferson <br /> Boulevard and 35th Street. <br /> DRAINAGE: Storm water drainage will be handled by connecting <br /> to the City storm sewer system. <br /> DATA: The total site to be rezoned is 5.21 acres. Of <br /> that, the buildings will occupy .97 acres, or <br /> 18.6% of the site; the parking and drives would <br /> occupy .99 acres or 19.08% of the site; and 3.24 <br /> acres or 62.32% of the site will be open space. <br /> SITE PLAN: The site plan is preliminary. <br /> AGENCY COMMENTS: The City Engineer made the following comments: <br /> "1 . Storm system meets City requirements. <br /> 2. City water is available to (the) site. <br /> 3. City sanitary is available to (the) site. <br /> 4. Show detail of curb cuts onto Jefferson <br /> and Thirty-fifth Street. <br /> 5. Show detail of individual parking spaces <br /> on plans. Must have one <br /> space/apartment." <br />