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Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1 ,250, 000 . 00) for <br /> the purpose of procuring funds to loan to the Company in order <br /> to finance the acquisition and construction of such facilities, <br /> as more particularly set out in said Loan Agreement, Mortgage <br /> and Security Agreement, which Economic Development Revenue Bond <br /> shall be payable as to principal and interest solely from the <br /> payments made by the Company on its aforesaid Promissory Note <br /> in the aggregate principal amount of One Million Two Hundred <br /> Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,250, 000 . 00) which will be executed <br /> and delivered by the Company to evidence said loan, from other <br /> sources under said Loan Agreement, Mortgage and Security Agree- <br /> ment, and as otherwise provided in said Trust Indenture. Said <br /> Economic Development Revenue Bonds shall never constitute gen- <br /> eral obligations of, indebtednesses of, or charges against the <br /> general credit of the City. Said Economic Development Revenue <br /> Bonds shall be executed by the manual or facsimile signatures <br /> of the Mayor and the Clerk of the City; shall be executed and <br /> delivered on or about the date on which the Bonds are pur- <br /> chased; shall be dated as of the date on which the Bonds are <br /> purchased; shall be in the form of a Series 1985 Bond in the <br /> principal amount of $1 ,250 , 000 . 00, payable over 12 years, at a <br /> variable rate per annum equal to 70% of the national prime rate <br /> of interest, determined by reference to the prime rate of <br /> interest announced in The Wall Street Journal, rounded up to <br /> the nearest one-quarter of one percent as more particularly <br /> described in the Trust Indenture, except in the case of an <br /> Event of Taxability as defined in the Loan Agreement, in which <br /> -4- <br />