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..\ <br />i, <br />STATE OF INDIANA <br />OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE <br />ARTTCLES OF A!,IENDMENT <br />To l^lhom These Present,s Come, Greeting: <br />WHEREAS, there has been presented to ne at this office, Articles of <br />Amendment for: <br />SOUTH BEND HERITAGE FOUNDATION, INC. <br />and said Articles of Amendment have been prepared and signed in accordance <br />with the provisions of the <br />fndiana l.lonprofit Corporation Act of 1991, <br />as amended. <br />NObi, TI{EREFORE, I , <br />hereby certify that, <br />.'OSEPH H. HOGSETT, Secretary of State of Indiana, <br />I have Lhis day filed said articles in this office. <br />The effective dat.e of these Arbicles of Amendment is November 12, 1993. <br />In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my <br />hand and affixed the seal of the State of <br />Indiana, at the City of Indianapolis, this <br />Twelfth day of November , 1993 <br />JOSEPH H. IIOGSETT, Secretary of State <br />w l&altL( ll- B -"or-L/^ <br />Deputy