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3. Employee Consent to Release Chemical Analysis: <br />a. When the Company requires an employee to submit body fluids for chemical <br />analysis, the employee must sign an employee consent form authorizing the results <br />to be forwarded to Green Demolition Contractors HR Representative. An <br />employee who refuses to submit body fluid samples upon request of the company <br />or who refuses to execute the employee consent form has failed to cooperate <br />with a management investigation in violation of the company business conduct <br />policy. Such conduct will subject the employee to disciplinary action, up to and <br />including immediate termination of employment. <br />4. Confidentiality of Test Results: <br />a. Test results of the chemical analysis of body fluids for substance abuse will be kept <br />confidential in the same manner that all other confidential personnel records and <br />confidential medical records are kept. Upon written request, the employee will be <br />furnished with a copy of his or her substance abuse test results. <br />5. Analysis of Test Results <br />a. Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol on the job or during work hours will <br />be presumed by Green Demolition Contractors to pose a serious safety and health <br />risk. Additionally, any use of alcohol or drugs during non -work time which results <br />in a positive test of the employee during work hours may result in a similar <br />presumption that the use of the drugs or alcohol poses serious safety and health risks. <br />b. Positive Test <br />a. Green Demolition Contractors reserves the right to impose discipline, up to and <br />including immediate termination of employment, upon any employee who tests <br />positive. Green Demolition Contractors reserves the right to require, as a condition <br />of reinstatement and continued employment, completion of an approved <br />rehabilitation program, at the employee's expense, which shall include but not be <br />limited to: <br />1. A period of inpatient care <br />2. A return -to -work test prior to reinstatement <br />3. Follow-up testing at intervals as specified by Green Demolition Contractors HR <br />Representative <br />**Any employee testing positive during or after a rehabilitation program will be subject <br />to immediate termination. <br />