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( 4) Within 60 days after receipt of the Application for <br /> Discharge Permit, Bureau of Wastewater personnel shall review said <br /> application for compliance with the terms and conditions of this <br /> Ordinance and shall make recommendations to the Manager of the Bureau <br /> of Wastewater. <br /> ( 5) The Manager shall review the staff recommendations <br /> and shall approve or reject the application. <br /> ( 6) If the Manager finds the applicant to be in <br /> compliance, he shall approve the application and a Permit to Discharge <br /> shall be issued subject to the following terms and conditions : <br /> (a) The unit charge or schedule of user charges <br /> and fees for the wastewater to be discharged to a <br /> municipal sewer. <br /> (b) Numerical limits on the average and maximum <br /> wastewater constituents and characteristics . <br /> (c) Limits on the average and maximum rate and <br /> time of discharge or requirements for flow regulation <br /> and equalization. <br /> (d) Requirements for installation and maintenance <br /> of inspection and sampling facilities. <br /> (e) Specifications for monitoring programs which <br /> may include sampling locations, frequency of sampling, <br /> number and types of samples, and standards for analyses <br /> and reporting schedules . <br /> (f) Compliance schedules . <br /> (g) Requirements for submittal of technical <br /> reports or discharge reports. <br /> (h) Requirements for maintaining and retention of <br /> plant records pertaining to wastewater discharge as <br /> specified by this Ordinance , and affording Bureau of <br /> Wastewater personnel access thereto. <br /> ( i) Requirements for reporting the nature of <br /> significant changes in wastewater flow or substantial <br /> changes in type and concentration of wastewater <br /> constituents. <br /> (j ) Requirements for notification of slug <br /> discharges. <br /> (k) Other conditions as deemed appropriate by the <br /> Board of Wastewater Commissioners to ensure compliance <br /> with this Ordinance . <br /> (7) If the Manager rejects the application for <br /> noncompliance, he shall establish a compliance schedule and require <br /> compliance schedule reports and compliance date reports on forms <br /> supplied by the Bureau of Wastewater. <br />