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b P0 , <br /> RESOLUTION NO. <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND,INDIANA,DECLARING <br /> THE MONTH OF MARCH 2013 AS DISABILITY AWARENESS MONTH IN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND& <br /> COMMENDS IU SOUTH BEND'S DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES FOR ALL OF THEIR SERVICES <br /> 011i ny,,,h the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana,notes that this July 26th will mark <br /> the 21" anniversary of the enactment into law of the Americans With Disabilities Act(ADA)which aims to <br /> give all people"the opportunity to live with dignity,work productively and achieve their dreams";and <br /> the Common Council recognizes that today there are approximately 50 million Americans <br /> living with disabilities, with 80% of the people who take on the role of primary helper to persons with <br /> disabilities being relatives and nearly half of that number living with the person who has a disability;and <br /> f*X,-ryt* the Common Council notes the economy has been especially hard on individuals with <br /> disabilities,with approximately 16.1%of all disabled Americans being unemployed;and <br /> �r,r rh the Common Council further notes that the Indiana Governor's Council for People with <br /> Disabilities works " advance independence, productivity and inclusion of people with disabilities in all <br /> aspects of society through planning,evaluation,collaboration,education and advocacy";and <br /> (X7rrrny approximately 19% of Indiana's population has a disability. This year the Governor's <br /> Council theme is "Community Connections" which focuses on a "...fully connected, livable community with <br /> appropriate housing, supportive and accessible community services, and physical and environmental <br /> features..." which foster independent living; with IU South Bend's Disability Support Services (DSS)being a <br /> great local example of their commitment to individuals with disabilities. <br /> 6a&A20Aw4 by the Common Council of the City of South Bend,Indiana,on the I ltb <br /> day of March,2013,as follows: <br /> Section I. On behalf of all of the citizens of the City of South Bend, Indiana, the Common Council <br /> hereby declares the month of March,as DISABILITY AWARENESS MONTH,and urges all of our residents, <br /> governmental officials and employers to celebrate the many contributions individuals with disabilities have <br /> made and continue to make to our community and to our country. <br /> Section Il. The South Bend Common Council publicly honors and thanks IU South Bend's Disability <br /> Support Services (DSS), under Director Dr, Jim Hasse, for their ongoing dedication and commitment to <br /> ensuring that students with disabilities have equal opportunity to participate in, contribute to, and benefit from <br /> all University programs,services and activities. <br /> Section III . This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the Council <br /> and approval by the Mayor. <br /> Tim Scott, 15`District Oliver J. Davis,6` District <br /> Henry Davis,Jr.,2° District Derek D.Dieter,At Large <br /> Valerie Schey,3a Gavin Ferlic,At Large <br /> Dr.Fred Ferlic,4` District Karen L.White,At Large <br /> Dr.David Vanier,5 District <br /> Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand,Cound Att'y <br /> John Voorde,City Clerk Pete Buttigieg,Mayor of South Bend <br />