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EXHIBIT "A" <br /> • <br /> A parcel of land being a part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 21, <br /> Township 38 North, Range 2 East, in German Township, St Joseph County, <br /> Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: <br /> Commencing at the intersection of the west 'line of said Northwest Quarter <br /> with- the northerly right-of-way line of the Indiana East-West Toll Road, <br /> said intersection being 337.19 feet northerly of the West Quarter Corner <br /> of said Section 21, and being marked by a brass monument set in concrete; <br /> thence easterly 80. 64 feet along said northerly right-of-way line along . <br /> an arc to the right having a radius of 5879 .58 feet and subtended by a <br /> chord of 80. 64 feet bearing South 83°32 '20" East (all bearings in this <br /> description being relative to an assumed bearing of North 90°00 ' 00" <br /> -East for the north line of said Northwest Quarter) to an iron pipe <br /> found in .place; thence North 0°06 '03" East, parallel with and 80 -50 <br /> feet easterly of said west line of the Northwest Quarter, a measured <br /> distance of 336.78 feet to a one inch square iron pipe set this survey <br /> marking the northwest corner of a parcel of land described in Deed <br /> Record 819,- page 596, in the Office of the Recorder of St. Joseph <br /> County, Indiana, said corner being on the northerly right-of-way line <br /> of Cleveland Road and being the point of beginning for this description; <br /> thence continuing North 0°6 ' 03" East, a measured distance of 669_74 <br /> feet to a one inch square iron pipe set this survey at a point which <br /> is South 0°06'03" West a distance of 1281.30 feet from said north line <br /> of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89°14 '27" East, along a southerly <br /> line of a parcel of land described as Tract "D" in Deed Record 765, page <br /> 529, in said Office of the Recorder, a measured distance of 561_72 feet <br /> to an iron pipe found in place; thence South 0°05 '02" West, along a <br /> westerly line of said Tract "D", a measured distance of 795.17 feet to <br /> a one inch square iron pipe set this survey marking the northerly right- <br /> of-way. of said Cleveland Road; thence North 76°41'25" West, along said' <br /> northerly right-of-way line, being the northerly line of said parcel <br /> described in Deed Record 819 , page 596, a measured distance of 577 -18 <br /> feet to the point of beginning. <br /> Subject to an easement for an oil pipeline described in Deed Record 522, <br /> page 30, and assigned to American Oil Company in Deed Record 612, page 01, ' <br /> in said Office of the Recorder, and subject to any other easements, <br /> covenants, or restrictions of record. <br /> • <br /> - <br /> I <br />