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r <br />7. Notices to DTC' pwsuant to P 3 b teleeo shall be sent to DTC's Cain Noiil3estion <br />Y PY <br />Department at (516) 227-4164 ar X$16) g27 41,90. If the party sending the notice does 'slot receive a <br />teI re I t t from DTC <br />eOaPY. p cot�fiimfng that:the notice has been received, such party shall telephone <br />(516) 227 -4070. Notices to DTC pursuant to Pa��agraph 3 by mail or an <br />sent to: bY. Y means shall be <br />b all, Notification Department <br />e Depository Trust Company <br />711 Stewart AVenue <br />Garden City NY 11530 -4719 <br />8. Notices to DTC pursuant to PwVVh 4 and notices of other actions (including mandatory <br />tenders, exchanges, and capital changes) by teleoopy shall be sent to DTC's Reorganization <br />Department at (212) 709.1093 or (212) 709-1094, and receipt of such notices shall be confirmed by <br />telephoning (212) 709 -0384. Notices to DTC pursuant to the above by mail or by any other me <br />shall am <br />ll be sent to: <br />Reorganization g aDepartment <br />The Depository Trust Company <br />7 Hanover Square; 23rd Floor <br />New York, NY 10004 -2695 <br />9. Transactions in the Bonds shall be eligible for next -day funds settlement in DTC's Next -Day <br />Funds Settlement ( "NIDFS ") system. <br />A. Interest payments shall be received by Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, or its regfstered <br />• assigns in next -day funds on each payment date (or the equivalent in accordance with <br />e.+asting arrangements bet%veen Issuer or Agent and DTC I. Such payments shall be made <br />payable to the order of Cede & Co. Absent any other existing arrangements such <br />payments shall be addressed as follows: <br />Manager, Cash Receipts <br />Dividend Department <br />The Depository Trust Company <br />7 Hanover Square; 24th Floor <br />New York, NY 10004 -2695 <br />B. Principal payments shall be received by Cede & Co., as nominee of OTC, or its registered <br />assigns in next -day funds on each payment date (or the equivalent in accordance with <br />existing arrangements between Issuer or Agent and DTC), Such payments shall be made <br />payable to the order of Cede & Co., and shall be addressed as follows: <br />NDFS Redemption Department <br />The - Depository Trust Company <br />55 Water Street; 50th Floor <br />New York, NY 10041 -0099 <br />10. DTC may direct Issuer or Agent to use any other telephone number or address as the <br />number or address to which notices or payments of interest or principal may be sent. <br />I1. In the event of'a redemption, acceleration, or any other similar transaction (e.g., tender made <br />and accepted in response to Issuies or Agents invitation) necessitating a reduction in the, ag` regate <br />principal amount of Bonds outstanding or an advance refunds of of the <br />• p i3oM1s outstanding, <br />DTC, in its discretion: (a) may request Issuer or Agent to issue and authenticate lj ' ew Bond <br />certificate. or (b) may make an appropriate notation on the Band certificate indicting and <br />amount of such reduction mrincrpal except in the case of final maturi <br />certificate will be presented to Issuer or Agent riot to ant if aired. �' rn which a the <br />p payment <br />A�' <br />