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• <br /> • <br /> ORDINANCE NO. -7 (o j _ g c, <br /> AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE THE FOLLOWING <br /> DESCRIBED PROPERTY <br /> Public Street <br /> A portion of Pennsylvania Avenue commencing at a <br /> point where its north line is intersected by the <br /> west line of Miami Street for a distance of 696 <br /> feet to a point where said north line turns <br /> to the right. <br /> STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br /> Pursuant to Indiana Code Section 36-7-3-12, the Common <br /> Council is charged with the authority to hear all petitions to <br /> vacate public ways or public places within the City. <br /> The following Ordinance vacates the above described <br /> public property. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF <br /> THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, as follows: <br /> SECTION I. The Common Council of the City of South Bend <br /> having held a public hearing on the petition to vacate the <br /> following property: <br /> A portion of Pennsylvania Avenue located in the <br /> Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section 13, Township <br /> 37 North, Range 2 East of the Second Principal <br /> Meridian in the City of South Bend, County of St. <br /> Joseph in the State of Indiana, described as <br /> follows: <br /> Beginning at a point on the north line of Pennsylvania <br /> Avenue where said north line is intersected by the <br /> west line of Miami Street; thence west along the north <br /> line of Pennsylvania Avenue a distance of approximately <br /> six hundred ninety-six (696) feet to a point where said <br /> north line turns to the right; thence southwest in a <br /> straight line to the northwest corner of Lot 144, <br /> Wenger and Kreighbaum' s Second Addition to the City of <br /> South Bend; thence east along the south line of <br /> Pennsylvania Avenue to its point of intersection with <br /> the west line of Miami Street; thence north along the <br /> west line of Miami Street to the point of beginning. <br /> hereby determined that it is desirable to vacate said property. <br />