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SCHEDULE OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS <br />The following schedule shows the outstanding bonded indebtedness of the City of South Bend and the <br />taxing units overlapping its jurisdiction as of June 16, 1993 as reported by the respective taxing units. <br />Pronertv Tax Supported Debt Total Debt <br />Direct Debt: <br />Redevelopment Authority $26,410,000 (1) <br />Redevelopment District 4,800,000 (2) <br />Civic Center Building Authority 3,385,000 (3) <br />Total Direct Debt <br />Overlapping Debt: <br />St. Joseph County 2,300,000 (4) <br />St. Joseph County Public Library 9,410,000 (5) <br />South Bend Community Schools 30,105,654 (6) <br />Penn-Harris-Madison Schools 68,294,623 (7) <br />St. Joseph County Airport Authority See Note (8) <br />Mishawaka Penn Township Public~Library 1,890,000 (9) <br />South Bend-Portage Township 1,600,000 (10) <br />Total Overlapping Debt <br />Total Direct and Overlapping Indebtedness <br />Revenue Supported Debt: <br />City of South Bend $10,080,000 (11) <br />Additional debt which is not an <br />obligation of the City includes: <br />South Bend Redevelopment <br />Commission $ 7,635,000 (12) <br />Percentage Amount <br />Allocable Allocable <br />to City of to City of <br />South Bend South Bend <br />100.00% $26,410,000 <br />100.00% 4,800,000 <br />100.00 % 3.385.000 <br />34 595 000 <br />41.85 % 962,550 <br />60.81 % 5,722,221 <br />63.35% 19,071,932 <br />2.90% 1,980,544 <br />2.79 % 52,731 <br />96.53 % 1.544.480 <br />29.334,458 <br />$63,929,458 <br />100.00% $10,080,000 <br />100.00% $ 7.635,000 <br />A-19 <br />