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FUTURE FINANCLtiG <br />With the College Football Hall of Fame relocating to South Bend, the City is planning to construct a $14 million <br />facility which will be financed in eazly 1994 with a bond issue to be repaid from private donations. Within the next <br />six months, the Authority may issue approximately $6 million in bonds to finance public improvements and a <br />pazking garage in the downtown in conjunction with new private investment involving renovation and new <br />construction. <br />LITIGATION <br />To the knowledge of the Authority, the Commission, officials of the City of South Bend and the City Attorney, <br />there is no litigation pending, or threatened, against the Authority, the Commission, or the City which in any way <br />questions or affects the validity of the Taxable 1993 Bonds, or any proceedings or transactions relating to the <br />issuance, sale or delivery thereof. The Authority will certify at the time of delivery of the Taxable 1993 Bonds that <br />there is no litigation pending or in any way threatened questioning the validity of the Taxable 1993 Bonds, or any <br />of the proceedings held relating to the authorization, issuance and sale of the Taxable 1993 Bonds or the Bond <br />Resolution. <br />UNDERWRITIIHG <br />The Taxable 1993 Bonds aze being purchased for reoffering by the Underwriter, City Securities Corporation (the <br />"Underwriter") at a purchase price of $4,837,507, which is shown net of $49,033 of Underwriter's discount and <br />$18,460 of original issue discount plus accrued interest. The Purchase Agreement provides that all of the Taxable <br />1993 Bonds will be purchased by the Underwriter if any of such Taxable 1993 Bonds aze purchased. <br />' The Underwriter intends to offer the Taxable 1993 Bonds to the public at the offering prices set forth on the inside <br />cover page of this Official Statement. The Underwriter may allow concessions to certain dealers (including dealers <br />in a selling group of the Underwriter and other dealers depositing the Taxable 1993 Bonds into investment trusts), <br />who may reallow concessions to other dealers. After the initial public offering, the public offering price tray be <br />varied from time to time by the Underwriter. <br />' CPA VERIFICATION <br />The accuracy of the mathematical computations of the adequacy of the principal amount of the Government <br />Obligations, as defined in the Escrow Agreement, to be held in the Escrow Fund, together with certain other <br />available amounts and uninvested cash, and interest income earned on such Government Obligations, to pay the <br />principal of, interest, and redemption premium on the Taxable 1991 Bonds to and including September 1, 1993, <br />and to redeem on that date all then outstanding Taxable 1991 Bonds will be verified by H.J. Umbaugh & Associates, <br />Certified Public Accountants. Such computations will be based upon information, assumptions and calculations <br />supplied by the Underwriter. <br />CERTIFICATE <br />' At the time of payment for and delivery of the Taxable 1993 Bonds, upon request, the Underwriter will be furnished <br />a certificate, .executed by proper officers, acting in their official capacity, to the effect that to the best of their <br />' knowledge and belief, <br />(a) the description and statements of, or pertaining to, the issuer contained in this Official Statement <br />and any addendum, supplement or amendment thereof, for the Taxable 1993 Bonds on the date <br />' of sale of said Bonds and on the date of the delivery were and aze true and correct in all material <br />respects; <br />(b) insofaz as the Authority and its affairs, including its financial affairs, aze concerned, such Official <br />' Statement did not and does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a <br />material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of <br />the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; <br />(c) insofaz as the description and statements, including financial data, of or pertaining to entities, <br />other than the Authority, and their activities contained in such Official Statement are concerned, <br />such statements and~data have been obtained from sources which the issuer believes to be reliable <br />and that the issuer has no reason to believe that they aze untrue in any material respect. <br />-11- <br />