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GESCRIP SON <br />LGi N0. 4 <br />• A port v/ the Southheest Guar!er (Sf1/4j o/ SecGvr, 19 and a pcrt o,` the <br />A'crthwc•st GuaNe~ (NW7; 4~ c.od a port of the Southwest Oudrtar (SWl/4) cl <br />Sectior, :Doll in Township 38 IJor!h, Range 2 Eost, Lerman Townsh.~, St. <br />Joseph County, Mdiono, more particu/orly described os lolluws: <br /> <br />L'ommencing of the southwest corner of the Southwest Ouerter of sale' <br />Sectior, 20, oiso being the southeast corner o/ lf,e Southedst Guorter of <br />said Section 19; thence 1Jorth DO' 14' 09" Wesf c distance of 70.00 legit <br />along the east line o! said Southeast Ouorler oiso being the west line <br />01 said Southwest Guorter to the Point of Beginning of this <br />description; thence North 89' 47' 23" West a distance of 331.96 feet <br />parallel with and 70.00 legit north of the south line of said Section <br />1 ~• thence North 00' 12' 37" East o distcnce of 35.00 feet; thence <br />North 89' 4T 23" West o distance o1 1109.88 feet parallel with and <br />105.00 feel north of sold south line;, to the east <br />right of way line of Ramp 'H-t -A" o/ the Indiana 7011 Roaa - U.S 31 <br />Bypass in(erchonge; thence North 00' 09' 46" Eost e distance of 95.1? <br />feel along sold east right of way line; thence North 19' 07' 38" West o <br />distance o/ 105.95 legit along said east right of way line; thence North <br />00' 09' 47" fast o dislance o/ 61395 legit along said east right of way <br />line; thence North 27' S1' 25" fast o dislance of 177.09 legit along <br />sold earl right o/ way tine to the southeast righ( of way line o/ Romp <br />'Ft" o/ the lndionc Toll Road - U.S. 31 Bypass interchange; thence North <br />55' 33' 03" East a distance o1 195.00 legit along said southeast right <br />o/ way ,'ine; thence North 45" 09' 46" fast o distance o1 196.84 legit to <br />the south line of the Northeast Ouorfer (NEl/4) o/ the Southeast Quarter <br />(Sf1/4) o/ Section 19, also being the south line o/ a parcel of land <br />referenced in o 'Quit Claim Deed" to the Indiana Toll Rood Commission <br />(Book 825, Poge 591, St. Joseph County Recorder), lhehce South 89' 34' <br />36" Eost o distance of 986.04 feet along said south line to the <br />southwest corner of o parcel re%enced in a "Worronty Deed" to the <br />South Bend Redevelopment Authority (Document No. 9127017, St. Joseph <br />County Recorder); thence North 00' 14' 09" KAst a distance of 1029.71 <br />/ezt along the west line o/ said parcel to the southeast right a/ way <br />line of the tndiono Toll Rood,• thence North 40' 30' 00" Eost o distance <br />of 153.41 (eef along sold southeast right o/ way line, also being the <br />northeast line of said "Worronty Deed" to the South Bend Redevelopment <br />Authority, to the east line of the Southeast Ouorler (Sfl/4) of Section <br />19; thence 1Jortr, 40' 26' S1 " East a distance of 22243 /eel along said <br />southeast right of way fine also being the northeast line of said <br />"Worronty Geed" to the South Bend Redevelopment Authority, to the north <br />line of the Southwest Guorter (Si4'1/4) of Section 20,• thence North 55' S3' <br />47" Eost o d,~stence of 126.b5 legit along seid southeos! right of way <br />line to fne north, line of c percel referenced in o "Quit C/cim Geed" to <br />the tndicne ioS! Road Commissicn (Document No. 225535, St. Joseph, <br />County Recorder), clso being the south right of way line o/ sold <br />Indiana Toll Rood,• thence South 89' 43' 02" fast o distance of 1348.71 <br />(eef along scld north line and olsc olona the north line of o parcel <br />referenced in o 'Special Warronly Deed" to Richard E. Brodlora c,^~ <br />i-le/en M. Bradford (Documen! No.7920810, Sl. Joseph, County Recorder) <br />oiso along a peace/ referenced in o "Worronty Deed" to the South Ber,d <br />Reaevelopmer,t Authority (Document No. 9133751, St. Joseph, County <br />Recoraer), c.' being along the south rignf o/ way line of the /ndiorc <br />7oli Rood; thence South 00' to""' S8" West o d~~tance of 30.00 feet along <br />on east line o! sold "Worronty Deed" and oiso o wes! line o.r the <br />lndiano loll Rocd, thence South 89' 43' 02" cost o distance of 412.OG <br />acct along the north line o,` said "Worronty Deed" also being the south <br />;ine cl !ne lndiano Toll Rocd to the east line of said "Yr'brronty Deed'; <br />it:ehce South 00' 16' S8" Wes! a distorce of 468.80 legit along the ecsf <br />line of serf "Worronty Decd" clso Gang Lae west line of tha ;ndianc <br />To11 Rood, also along the west line of o "K'arranty Deed" tc the State <br />oI lndiano (Book 538. Page 506, S!. Joseph County Reror{e.;'; thence <br />South 89' 43' 02" Eost o distance of 605.99 feet along tl,e south line <br />of said "Worronty Deed" to the State of lndiano and along the north <br />line o/ said "R'orrcn.,'y Deed" to the South Bend Redevelopment Authority, <br />to the edsl line of the South»•esl Guorter (SWI/9) of Section 20, also <br />being the centerline of Moyllower Rood,' thence South 00' !9' S4" fast a <br />distance of 44.05 legit along said east line to the north riah.t oI way <br />line oI Nimtz Parkway, thence South 89' 40' 07" West o distance o/ <br />102.68 legit along said north right of way line; thence North 89' 49' <br />35" West a dislance of 1134.31 feet along said north rioht of way line; <br />thence South 89' 40' 07" West c distance of 103.05 legit along said <br />north rioht of way line to the point o/ curvature of c tonyent curve to <br />the felt having o radius o! 790.00 feet, on infernal angle of 32' 09' <br />19" and subtended by o long chord having o bearing o! South 73' 35' 28" <br />West o chord length o/ 437.56 feet; thence. wesleriy along said curve <br />also being along svid 'north right of way line o distance o/ 443.38 Teel <br />to o point of compound curvature with o curve to the right having o <br />radius of 3Q 00 lee!, an internal angle of 80' 10' 02'; dnd subtended <br />by o long chord having o bearing o1 North 82' 24' 02" 14'est o chord <br />length of 38.63 legit; thence northwesterly along sold curve also along <br />the eos! right of »•oy line of Northwest Loop Street o distance of 47.98 <br />Jeet to the point of longency, thence North 42' 19' Ol" West o dislance <br />of 271.63 feet along.said east righ( of way tine to the pain! of <br />curvature of o tangent curve fo the le/t howhg o radius of 110.00 <br />/eel, on internal angle of 180' 00' 00'; and subtended by o long chord <br />howag o bearing of South 4T 40' S9" West o chord length of 22G.00 <br />feet; thence southwesterly along said curve also being the northwest <br />right of way line o/ said Northwest Loop Street a distance of 345.58 <br />legit to the point of tangency, thence South 42' 19' Ol" Eosf o distance <br />01271.63 /eef along the southwest right of wuy line o/ sold Northwest <br />Loop Street to the point of curwture of o tangent curve to the right <br />having a radius o/ 30.00 feet, on inferno/ angle of 80' 1 G' D2" and <br />subtended by a long chord having o bewing of South 02' 14' UO" East c <br />chord length of 38.63 feet; !hence southerly olvng said curve also <br />being along the west right of way lane of N'imtz Porkwoy a distance of <br />41.98 legit to the point of compound curwlure with a .curve to the felt <br />hav,hg a radius of 790.00 feet, an intemo/ angle of 54' 40' 09" and <br />subtended by o lone chord having o beorirg of South )0' 31' D6" West a <br />chord length of 725.51 feet; thence southerly along said curve also <br />being along said west right o! way line of Nimtz Porkwey o distance <br />o/ 75378 feel to the point o/ tengency, thence South 16' 48' S9" Eas! <br />o distcnce of 185.73 feet along said west right of way tine to the <br />point of curvature of o tangent curve to the right having o radius of <br />710.00 feet, an internal angle o/ 38' 43' S5" and subtended by o tone <br />chord how'ng o bearing o/ South 02' 32' S9" West e chord length of <br />470.87 Jeet; thence southery v/ohg said curve also being along said <br />west right of way line o astonce of 479.96 feet to the point of <br />nontongency; thence North 68" 05' 04" West radially o aistonce of <br />)5G.00 ,reef; thence South 32' 04' 34" Wes! o dislance of 197.57 /eef; <br />(hence South 47' 4~' 49" Eost rcdiolly o distance o/ 150.00 feet to the <br />point of curvature o/ o nontangent curve to the left, sold point <br />being o,~ the west right of wey line o/ fJimtz Porkwoy, sold curvy <br />howhg a radius of 710.00 Ieet, an in!emal angle of 38' 31' S9" and <br />subtenced by a long chord hcrhg o Dearing of South 61 ' 30' i i "Wesf a <br />chord ,enern o/ 46855 lac!; thence southwesterly along said a,~rve also <br />beino along said »es! right of way line o d%slonce of 47749 feet to <br />the point of non!ongency; said pain! being on the west line o/ the <br />Southwest Ouor!e~ of sold Section 20 also being the ecsl line of the <br />Southeast Guorter of said Section l9; !hence North 00' 14' 09" West e <br />distance of 20.33 /eel to the Point of beginning and containing 91.190 <br />acres, more or less. <br />Btackhorn Corporate Center -Covenants & Restrictions 4!1/93 <br />