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Contract No:B -40600 Change Order No.: 024 <br />INDIANA Department of Transportation Page: 1 <br />Construction Change Order and Time Extension Summary <br />Contract Information Contract No.: B -40600 Letting Date:11/17/2021 <br />District:LAPORTE DISTRICT AE:Hauersperger, Steven PE/S:Borggren, Kent Status:Draft <br />Change Order Information Change Order No.: 024 EWA: Y or Force Acct: N <br />Date Generated: 08/28/2023 Date Approved: 00/00/0000 <br />Reason Code: SCOPE CHANGES, Work On Private Facility <br />Description: 4 Inch Mill and HMA Resurface for the City of South Bend <br />Original Contract Amount $ 10,924,942.00 <br />Current Change Order Amount $ 978,170.66 Percent: 8.954 % <br />Total Previous Approved Changes $ 566,729.79 Percent: 5.188 % <br />Total Change To-Date $ 1,544,900.45 Percent: 14.142 % <br />Modified Contract Amount $ 12,469,842.45 <br />Time Extension Information <br />Date Initiated 00/00/0000 Date Completed 00/00/0000 <br />Original Contract Time SS Completion Date 00/00/0000 or SS Calendar/Work Days 0 <br />SP Date 00/00/0000 or SP Days <br />(SS = Standard Specification, SP = Special Provision) <br />Time Element Description: <br />Current Time Extension SS Days 0 SP Days 0 SP Days Value $ 0.00 <br />Previous Time Approved SS Days by AE:______ DCE:______ SCE:______ DDCM:______ <br />SS Days____________ SP Days Value $ _______________ <br />Revised Contract Time SS Completion Date 00/00/0000 or SS Calendar/Work Days 0 <br />SS Date 00/00/0000 or SP Days 0