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Authorising By -Laws and Resolations <br />This Power of Attorney is signed by Lary Kasten, Vsc* Pr*sideat of each of the CNA Companies (as defined is the Power of Atto=y), who has been zalsor iced <br />pursuant to thebelow Bylaws and Resolu5ons to emcate power of attomrys on behalf of each of tlat CNA Companies. <br />ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY: <br />This Power of AnwrAy is made and carried pmsuaat to and by authority of the foilawim molrstian duly adopted by She Board of Digs of tine Company at a <br />tmtemsg held on May 12,1995: <br />'RESOLVED, any Senior or Gmop Vice President may authorize an o$eer to sip speeifie doevnsmts, age*momts and instrt mants on behalf of the Comapaay <br />prmided that the name of m2a aothwimred office and a description of the documents, agreemeab at is ntrume sh that such officer May sign well be yM ided in <br />writia� by the Senior or Group Vine PresidemR to the Secresby of the Company paler to inch *toetution.becconiag e$*etimx.' <br />This Paver of Anowey is sinned and sealed by faesimalt under and by the zodwity of the f kwing Rewhtion adopted by toe Board of Directors of the Caaopaay by <br />unamimooa written consent dated the 25` day of Apif, 2012: <br />`Whereas, flat bylaws of Ilse Company or spodfic mohsian of the Boardo(Dsreetoes bas anehorized %wiow *mcm (the "Au dmized Officers") in crease %wiau <br />poaiaes, beads, umdwtskirags sad other obii�gory �s of D.iTs* nmurg aemd <br />Whestias, Dram time to lime, rile sigoatuse of the Aua>horised Officers, in addition to being peatided is origiani, hard copy Awmat, may be pros ided via Sesimili or <br />otherwise in an electronic format (v4*ctiuxly, Mectwx $ipatmes" x Now therefore be it resolmxd: that the Elect.— Swudar* of ary Amdsoeis*d O flew shall <br />be saW and binding on the Caapaay-' <br />This Paver of Attoeasy may be si ad by digital signature acid sealed by a dOW or otherwise "Ironic-kmmatted corporate seal under sad by the authority of tb* <br />faUmiag Rewictian adoptodby tot Board of Directors of the Company by manimous written consent dated the 27th day of April, 2022: <br />`RESOLVED: That it is in the bast iuu at of do Company to ptvk&Ay ratify and cow&ns my corporate documents signed by digital Agmaossrps and to ratify <br />and conform the me of a digital or otlmwiss electroc&-facn atoed corporate seal, auk to be considered flue act and deed of the Company." <br />ADOPTED) BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD. <br />This Power of Anormy is arcade and a muted pomame to and by au dmity of the following resolution duly adopted by the Board of Dnscbm of der Company by <br />unanimom writhes eonseot dated May 10,1995: <br />'RESOLVED, Tbat any Senior or Droop Vies President may authorize an officer to sign W*cif c doecroseots, agreameots and iastrumemer on behalf of the Company <br />Pru+orided that the name of soth autborirtad offim and a description of the documents, agreenwas or isstrurnmts that such officer may sign wr71 be pmi&d in <br />wafing by the Senior or Grow Vine President to the Secretary of the Company prior to $ock *=cafi n beeo siag effeeth e.' <br />This Power of Aho y is signed and stoled by besimrAt under and by toe authority of the folbwing R esohtsan adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company by <br />unanimous written consent dated the 25n day of Apil, 2012: <br />"Wberem, the bylaws of the Company or specific Mak6an of the Board of Dir ecton has authorised %wicus officers (the "Andm ind OfBoas') to vwcwt serious <br />poheits, bonds, madertabsip and other obligatory imtrttmeots of Me nature; and <br />Whereas, li m time to time, tau* Ap ahme of the A+ahodxed Officerm in addition to being presided fa oeigmal, hard copy &a*xL, may be pee ided via facsimile or <br />otherwise is an dectrock £oaamat (colketh-*, *Tkcumk Sop almw—A Now d e&m be it mohxd: that the Ekctranie Sigrutme ofaay AudweitW Officer shall <br />be sand and bhWin on the Company.' <br />This Power of Ab mey may be signed by digital signature sad sealed by a digital or ot6vwise eleetroaie•fotmatt*d eoeporm seal under and by the authority of Ilse <br />following Resohmao adoptedby toe Board of Directors of the Company by unanimous weittm consent dated dhe 27th day of Apal, 2022: <br />`RESOLVED That it is in the best Dearest of else Company to periodically ratify and conform any corporate documents signed by d40W agmahm and to ratify <br />and confirm the rue of a d4*9 or odmwes* tlectrank-fomoatted earporaae seal, each to be considered tb* act and deed of the Company. <br />ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DMECIORS OF AbiERiCAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA: <br />This Power of Anwaey is made sad atecuued pu>zwamt to and by aunhoeity of the foakwisg rmsohstion duly adopted by the Board of D'aeeeton of the Company by <br />unanimous written consent dated I►tay 10,1995: <br />"RED SOLVED Thrt my Semoror Gmugp Vice Presider:t may auehrxize m affites hr sip >peesi"ue deeumeoLs, and insavmessts on belmalfof toe Coempaay <br />promidod that the nun of sock authoaxed officer sad a description of the documents, agratmeuts or iastr®oents that such officer may sip wM be provided in <br />wnumg by the Senior or Grasp Vwt Prat ent to the Secretory of the Company prior to such tmKutim becoming effertivie." <br />This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by faesi under and by the err &wly of flue Wowing Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of tb* Company by <br />unarms s written consent dated the 256 day of Apis7, 2012: <br />"Whu*as, doe bylaws of the Company or specific mohaion of the Board of Direetm has aatl►or;xed visions officers (the "Andwixed Mom-) to owc u* tvriouu <br />poheits, bads, rrodhuldots and otbw obfigawy instnmtencs of lift* aahm; and <br />Whereas, from time to time, the signature of the Au dweixed Offseers, in addition to bang prmided is original, hard copy format, may be peotided tia faesimile or <br />otherwise is an eleceroaic forma (colketivxly, "Eketroaie Sipatures'Z Now therefore best taschxd: that the Electronic Signature of say Authonzvd OMc*r shall <br />be valid and binding on the Company.' <br />Ibis Power of Attomey may be 4wd by digital signature send wiled by a digital or odsnwise elwbouie-iamatted corporate seal under and by die authority of the <br />folbwing Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company by unatsimous wrii!*n consent dated tot 27th day of April, 2022. <br />'RESOLVED: Tbat it is in tb* best interest of the Company to periodically n* and eomfum buy ewporat* documsems signed by digital sipat ues and to rA* <br />and confirm the use *fa distal or otherwise *ltctraoic-faomatted eorporatt seal, oath to be considered Lire act and deed of the Company." <br />