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(p) "Redevelo merit Land" shall mean approximately 81 acres <br />of real property situated in St. Joseph County, Indiana, in an area <br />commonly known as the Airport Economic Development Area. <br />(q) "Surplus" shall mean the annual balance remaining at <br />the end 'of each fiscal year after all. Blackthorn Expenses, including <br />but not limited to those identified at Exhibit "C," hereto, relating <br />to the operation and maintenance of Blackthorn, and including all <br />semi-annual lease payments and reserves accumulated for future lease <br />payments, as identified at Exhibit "D," hereto, are .deducted from all <br />Blackthorn Revenues, including, but not limited to those revenues <br />identified at Exhibit "E," based on a to fiscal year. <br />3. TITLE TO AIRPORT LAND. <br />(a) State of Title to be Conveyed. At the Closing, Airport <br />shall convey to Redevelopment, its nominees, successors or assigns, <br />by general Warranty Deed, good and merchantable and insurable. fee <br />simple title with the possibility of reverter, as pr©vided herein, to <br />the Airport Land free from all liens, encumbrances., restrictions, <br />rights-of-way and other matters, excepting only the "permitted <br />exceptions" described as follows.: (1) the lien of general real <br />estate taxes not yet due and payable; (ii) liens or encumbrances of <br />a definite or ascertainable amount and which will be paid and.. <br />discharged in full by or far Airport at or prior to the'Closing; <br />(iii) zoning ordinances and easements of record, if any, which have <br />been approved by Redevelopment. and which do not. prevent or materially <br />interfere with Redevelopment's intended use of the Airport Land; and <br />(iv) liens, encumbrances. and restrictions of record as shown on the <br />Title Commitment issued by the Abstract & Title Corporation. on , <br />1992 under Cammitment No. 96979)-66, that are approved and accepted <br />by Redevelopment. <br />(b) Title Insurance Commitment and Policy. Redevelopment <br />shall procure the Title Commitment, at no expense to the Airport. At <br />the Closing, a Policy of Title Insurance or an endorsement to the <br />Title Commitment shall be issued to Redevelopment insuring <br />Redevelopment`s fee simple interest in the Airport Land, as of the <br />date of Closing, in the state required by Section 4(a) above., with <br />all general exceptions deleted, and subject only to the "permitted <br />exceptions". Redevelopment shall pay for all charges and. costs of <br />such Title Insurance Policy. <br />(c) Objections to State of Title. If title to the Airport <br />Land is not in the state required. by Section 5(a) above, <br />Redevelopment shall give written notice to Airport within fifteen <br />(15) business days after its receipt of the Commitment, specifying <br />its objection(s) to the state of title tv the Airport Land. Airport <br />shall thereupon have a period of ten (10) days in which it shall. use <br />reasonable efforts to remedy the objection(s) or to induce the Title <br />Company to issue an endorsement to the Title Commitment reasonably <br />satisfactory to Redevelopment insuring over or removing such <br />objection(s). If Redevelopment's objections to the state of title to <br />• the Premisesuch fu~thermperiodbasARedevelopment mayh innitsos ley <br />period, or <br />-4- <br />