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ic) Governance of Joint Committee <br />• (1) The Joint Committee will be subject to and <br />governed in accordance with provisions. of this Agreement. <br />(2) The Joint Committee shall meet from time to time, <br />as necessary to carry out its responsibilities and purposes <br />hereunder, and shall publish notice of its meetings and conduct its <br />meetings in accordance with the provisions of I.C. 5-14-1.5. <br />(3) A simple majority of the Joint Committee. <br />membership shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the. Joint <br />Committee. The act of the majority of the members present and voting <br />at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the <br />Joint Committee. <br />(d) Res onsibilities of Joint Committee. <br />(1) Conduct its business. and affairs for the benefit <br />of Redevelopment and Airport. <br />(2) Provide policy direction and oversight concerning <br />the operation and management of Blackthorn. <br />(3) Review the Blackthorn budget and make <br />recommendations concerning the budget to Redevelopment. <br />• (4) Establish standards far the operation and <br />management of Blackthorn. <br />(5) Review and approve the selection of the Contractor <br />by Redevelopment. <br />(6) Approve Management Agreement. between Redevelopment. <br />and Contractor governing the operation and management. of <br />Blackthorn. <br />(6) Review, annually, the operations. and management of <br />Blackthorn and the performance of the Contractor under the <br />Management Agreement. <br />(8) Review and approve the annual Blackthorn audit <br />prepared by Redevelopment and submitted to the Joint Committee, <br />as provided. herein. <br />(9) Accept grants and gifts from Redevelopment and <br />Airport, the United States of America, the State of Indiana, <br />other units of general local government, and from any unit, <br />private corporation, partnership, association or individual.: <br />Provided, however, that no gift or grant may be accepted from any <br />individual receiving services or from-any member of the <br />professional or clerical staff or the South Bend Department of <br />Economic Development: Provided, further, that any grant or gift <br />. received by the Joint Committee shall be transferred to <br />Redevelopment., for deposit with the Controller of the City of <br />South Bend for use as directed by the donee or grantee. <br />-11- <br />