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other buildings or improvements to claims for damage or destruction <br />of the Project; and (iii) the insurance proceeds related to damage <br />to or destruction of the Project are payable to the Trustee; and <br />(b) Rent or rental value insurance in an amount least <br />equal to the full rental value of the Project for a period of two <br />(2) years against physical loss or damage of the type insured <br />against under Sec. 6.02 (a) above; and <br />(c) Public liability and property damage insurance in <br />amounts customarily carried for similar properties; provided <br />however, that, notwithstanding Sec. 6.03, such insurance may be <br />provided under the public liability self insurance program of the <br />City of South Bend. <br />Sec. 6.03. Except as provided in Sec. 6.02(c), such <br />insurance policies shall be maintained in insurance companies rated <br />B+ or better by A.M. Best Company (or a comparable rating service <br />if A.M. Best Company ceases to exist or rate insurance companies), <br />and shall be countersigned by an agent of the insurer who is a <br />resident of the State of Indiana. A copy of such policies referred <br />to in Sec. 6.02 and the architect's or engineer's certificates <br />referred to in Sec. 6.02 (a) shall be deposited with the Trustee. <br />A schedule of such policies shall be deposited with the Trustee. <br />Such schedule shall contain the names of the insurers, the amounts <br />of each policy, the character of the risk insured against, the <br />expiration date of each policy, the premium paid thereon, and any <br />other pertinent data. <br />Sec. 6.04. In case the Authority shall at any time refuse, <br />neglect or fail to obtain and furnish such certificate or to effect <br />insurance as aforesaid, the Trustee may, in its discretion, procure <br />such certificate and/or such insurance, and all moneys paid by the <br />Trustee for such certificate and/or insurance, together with <br />interest thereon at the highest rate of interest on any of the <br />Bonds when sold, whether or not then outstanding, shall be repaid <br />by the Authority upon demand, and shall constitute an additional <br />indebtedness of the Authority secured by the lien of this <br />Agreement, prior and paramount to the lien hereunder of said Bonds <br />and interest thereon. The Trustee, however, shall not be obligated <br />to effect such insurance unless fully indemnified against the <br />expense thereof and furnished with means therefor. <br />Sec. 6.05. The insurance policies required by Section 6.01 <br />and Section 6.02 shall be for the benefit, as their interests shall <br />appear, of the Trustee, the Authority, and other persons having an <br />insurable interest in the insured property. Such policies shall <br />clearly indicate that any proceeds under the policies shall be <br />payable to the Trustee, and the Trustee is hereby authorized to <br />demand, collect and receipt for and recover any and all insurance <br />-2$- <br />