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(c) the proposed cYianges in the plans and specifications <br />will not result in an increase in the cost of construction of said <br />Project exceeding the .amount of the uncommitted funds of the <br />Authority on hand which are not required for the completion of the <br />Project in accordance with the plans and specifications adopted <br />prior to the execution of said Lease, interest on the Bonds during <br />the construction period, and the payment of the incidental expenses <br />incurred in connection with said Project. <br />Prior to the completion of the Project in accordance with the <br />provisions of this section, performance of additional construction <br />work or the purchase of equipment not specified in the <br />above-mentioned Lease or incorporated therein by reference to the <br />plans and specifications shall be deemed a change or modification <br />in the plans and specifications subject to the requirements of this <br />Section. <br />Except for changes made in the plans and specifications <br />pursuant to this Section, the. Authority covenants that it will not <br />agree to any modification of the terms of said Lease which would <br />substantially impair or reduce the security of the holders of the <br />Bonds described herein or agree to a termination thereof, or agree <br />to a reduction of the lease rental provided for therein which would <br />inhibit payment of debt service on the Bonds until all indebtedness <br />secured by this Agreement is fully paid, except .upon compliance <br />with the provisions of Sec. 10.02. The Authority further covenants <br />that any modification permitted by this paragraph will be made only <br />after a copy thereof has been filed with the Trustee. <br />Sec. 5.14 The Authority covenants that the proceeds from <br />the sale of the Bonds, proceeds received from lease rentals payable <br />according to the Lease, any other amounts received by the Authority <br />in respect to property directly or indirectly financed with any <br />proceeds of such Bonds, and proceeds from interest earned on the <br />investment and reinvestment of such proceeds and amounts, shall not <br />be invested or otherwise used in a manner which would cause such <br />Bonds to be "arbitrage bonds" within the meaning of Section 148 of <br />the Code and the Arbitrage Regulations. Any such investment or <br />other use by the Trustee shall comply with Section 148 of the Code <br />and such regulations or rules adopted pursuant to said Section 148, <br />as may be applicable and any restrictions stated in the arbitrage <br />certificate of the Authority. <br />Sec. 5.15. The Authority covenants that whenever there are <br />sufficient funds held by the Trustee in the Sinking Fund and/or <br />Operation and Reserve Fund to pay the principal, redemption <br />premiums and interest to the next interest payment date on all <br />outstanding Bonds, it will call all outstanding Bonds for <br />redemption and hereby consents and directs the Trustee to call all <br />outstanding Bonds for redemption. <br />-25- <br />