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United States Department of the Interior <br />National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form <br />NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018 <br />Taylor’s Field Historic District Saint Joseph County, IN <br />Name of Property County and State <br />Section 8 page 27 <br /> <br />Period of Significance <br />c. 1880-1946 <br />___________________ <br /> <br /> Significant Dates <br /> 1893 <br /> <br />Significant Person (last name, first name) <br />(Complete only if Criterion B is marked above.) <br />___________________ <br />___________________ <br />___________________ <br /> <br /> Cultural Affiliation <br /> ___________________ <br /> ___________________ <br /> ___________________ <br /> <br /> Architect/Builder (last name, first name) <br /> Freyermuth & Maurer <br /> Kuhne & Meleney <br /> Cheesman, M. V. <br /> Ingleright, DeWitt <br /> Fehlow, A. C. <br /> Schneider & Austin <br /> Turnock, William <br /> Sturges, L. H. <br /> <br /> <br />