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United States Department of the Interior <br />National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form <br />NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018 <br />Taylor’s Field Historic District Saint Joseph County, IN <br />Name of Property County and State <br />Section 7 page 22 <br /> <br />facing wall) and has a wood door with side-lites. A projecting, three-sided bay is centered in the <br />first story west of the porch. It has a row of four 1/1 wood windows on its front wall. The <br />façade’s gable wall also features a row of four 1/1 wood windows which is repeated in the other <br />two gables. <br /> <br />The house was constructed for Dr. Harry and Nettie Thomson in 1908 on a lot purchased from <br />Mary Taylor Nicar in 1902. Harry Thomson was an optician. The house was sold to Dr. Samuel <br />and Naomi (Culp) Baer in 1920 for $9400. Samuel received his medical degree from Illinois <br />Medical College and came to South Bend to practice from Nappanee in 1908. He had his <br />medical offices in the JMS Building in South Bend. While Naomi Baer died in 1924, Dr. Baer <br />continued to own the house until his death in 1951.30 <br /> <br />212 South Street. Wike House, Queen Anne, c. 1910, Contributing. <br />Left side of photo 02 <br /> <br />310 South Street. Chalfant House, T-plan, 1890, Contributing. <br />Right side of photo 19 <br /> <br />316 South Street. Four Square/Craftsman, c.1910, Contributing. <br />Left side of photo 19 <br /> <br />320 South Street. Upright-and-wing, c.1880, Contributing. <br />Right side of photo 15 <br /> <br />402 South Street. Lemon Keen Building. Commercial/Italianate, 1892, Contributing <br />William Turnock, builder <br />Right side of photo 20 <br />Garage, c.1920, Contributing. <br />The two-story brick commercial building is located on the southeast corner of Columbia and <br />South Streets and features segmental-arched 1/1 wood windows with brick sills and arches on its <br />east and west (side) walls. The front (north) façade features two storefronts divided by a stairway <br />entry that is flanked by narrow brick pilasters. The stairway entry has a modern wood door with <br />window in the top half and a tall wood transom. While composed nearly identically, the west <br />storefront is wider than the east storefront. The storefronts have a recessed pair of wood entry <br />doors with windows in the top half and tall transoms above. The recessed area is flanked by cast <br />iron pilasters and wood storefront windows with transoms. A wood panel is below the storefront <br />window. The pilasters carry a cast iron lintel that extends across the full-width of the building at <br />the top of the storefronts. <br /> <br />The second story features five 1/1 wood windows with stone sills and metal pediment-style <br />hoods. The building features a tall metal cornice with rows of brackets divided into three parts by <br /> <br /> <br />30 South Bend HPC Survey Card, 1988, rev. 1998