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D ETAILS <br />Endure Window - EN600 Series <br />Wh ite <br />Exact Size: 42" x 56" <br />Tw o Do w n - Cu sto m M u llio n Lo catio n (s) <br />M u ll 1: 21" F ro m To p <br />Grap h ite F o am In su latio n <br />F acto ry M u lled <br />Nail F in F acto ry In stalled <br />Window B1 - CT - Circle Top <br />Un it Size: 42" x 21" <br />P ictu re F rame P ro file <br />Co mfo rTech DLA-UV <br />3/4" IG Th ickn ess <br />Do u b le Stren gth Glass <br />Do u b le Su n b u rst Grid Sty le <br />Co n to u red Grid - CT-8 Grid P attern <br />Wh ite Grid s <br />Window A1 - 602 - 2-Lite Slider <br />Un it Size: 42" x 35" <br />Do u b le Du alTech P assive Sw eep Lo cks <br />Wh ite Hard w are <br />1 V en t L o ck <br />L eft In terio r Sash (O u tsid e Lo o kin g In ) <br />O p eratio n : Left to Righ t (O u tsid e Lo o kin g In) <br />INNER GY Th ermal Sash Rein fo rcemen t <br />Extru d ed F u ll Screen (Wh ite) w ith BetterV ue Screen M esh <br />With Screen M u llio n <br />Glass Settings (All Sash): <br />Wh ite In tern al Blin d s w ith Do u b le Lo w -E ClimaGuard 70/36 & IS-20 <br />Do u b le Stren gth Glass <br />1" IG Th ickn ess <br />INF O RM ATIO N AND WARNINGS <br />Hard Co at Lo w -E is o n glass su rface #4 and req uires care w hen cleaning. See the linked <br />kn o w led ge b ase article fo r mo re in fo rmatio n and cleaning instructio ns. <br />Th e L o w -E th at is u sed w ith b lin d s d o es no t match the Lo w -E used in w indo w s that do <br />n o t h ave b lin d s. <br />Th e glazin g sy stem is n o t u n ifo rm b etw een all sashes and/o r w indo w s in the set. <br />Th e glass th ickn ess is n o t u n ifo rm acro ss all w ind o w s in the set. Select the o ptio n to <br />u n ify th e glass th ickn ess to co rrect th is. No te that this may impact the energy ratings. <br />Sh ap ed vin y l w in d o w s req u ire ad d itio n al lead time. <br />Y O UR PROFESSIONAL-CLASS P RO D UCT <br />Endure EN600 Series Mulled Unit <br /> <br />OUTSIDE VIEW INSID E VIEW <br /> <br /> <br />SIZING Air/Water/Structural ENERGY <br /> <br />Overall Unit Size: 42" x 56" <br />Opening Width Range: 42 3/8" to 42 7/8" <br />Opening Height Range: 56 3/8" to 56 7/8" <br />Egress Size: 16" x 29 9/16" <br />Egress Square Foot: 3.2847 <br />Egress Meets Criteria: No <br />CT - Circle Top: 42" x 21" <br />602 - 2-Lite Slider: 42" x 35" <br /> N/A ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATINGS <br />U-Factor (U.S/I-P )So lar Heat Gain Co efficien t <br />0.28 0.25 <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCE RATINGS <br />Visible Transmittan ce Co n d en satio n R esistan ce <br />0.44 45.00 <br />Air Infiltratio n (cf m/f t2) <br /><= 0.07 <br /> ENERGY STAR <br />North-Centr al / South-Central / <br />Souther n Regions <br /> <br /> <br />877.389.0835 <br />2150 State Route 39 <br />Sugarcreek, OH 44681 <br /> <br />Q UO TE INF O RM ATIO N <br /> Job : Tom Keller <br /> Ta g: Ba throom <br /> PO #TOM KE LLE R <br /> Ord er #10167833-1 <br /> <br /> <br />Monday, July 17, 2023 | Due to variances in color and manufacturing process, images shown may vary from final product.