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Aathoriziag By -Lath and Resolutions <br />Thn Power of Attmroey is signed by Larry Xastsa, We Pmidmt of each of the CNA Companies (as defined is the Powys of Attoensy), who has been atiboriaed <br />pwa= to the blow Bylaws and Aesointions to a mewA power of auummys m behalf of each of the CNA Coampaznes. <br />ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY: <br />Tbis Power of Attorney is made and exerted pumant to and by authority of the following resokciao duly adopted by the Board of Disecion of the Company at a <br />meeiiag bald on May 12,1995: <br />'RESOLVED:.That my Seoaoa or Gmap Vice Pmidast may anthoeize m o$rer to sip speciSe doeamenb, ageesmmU and iastrsmrah oar belatf of rime Company <br />pptided dint the name vS scuds aathorip:ed of5m and a desaiptiou of tie docoamt% agreements or iestrixuaeot$ that :gush officer may sip will bt provided is <br />writing by the Senior or Grow We Pt*31 eat to rise Seavuryof d w Companypuiou to inch eimmfica bommiog effeeth-*." <br />This Fowes of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the and ority of tht Allowing Resohiioa adopted by die Board of Dirators ofdw Coeapany by <br />tnanimmas written consent dated the 2Sa day of Apnl, 2012: <br />"%%areas, the byiaws ofdw Company or sp=& resohtioa of the Board of Diaeetoes has authorized va ww offken (the "Authorized Officers") to necute various <br />poUciers, boods, undablimp And other ob4g4my instralments of line uafty; and <br />Whereas, from time to time, the sipainre of the Authorized Offi w% in addition to being provided in origasai, hard copy foes nat, tray be prosided via facsimik or <br />otherwise sea ao elechvaic fM=* (eollecuvelythat the Ekctr=k Si 4w* o(ary Aura =xtd Ofiracw shall <br />be vafid and binding on tbt Caaopany." <br />Ibis Power of ,Attorney may be Biped by digital sig:naiure and sealed by a digital or odseswiss electroaec fomsatted corporate seal tender and by the authority of the <br />Wowing Resoktim adoptedby the Bond of Dirtcires of the by ursminmoses written consort dated the 27th day of Apnl, 2022: <br />"RESOLVED: That it is in the but intavo of the Company to periodically xatify mad ernfrm any corpor+me documaests signed by digital sa;m*um and m ratify <br />and confirm the use of a digital orodwraim electrook-keesatted corpona seal, each to be eomsidartd the act and deed of the Company." <br />ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF NATIONAL FAM D URANCE OO)VANY OF HARTFORD; <br />This Power of Attorney is grade and executed pursuant to and by authority of the follawnog resolution duty adopted by the Board of Directors of dus Company by <br />anammons written consent dated May 10,1995: <br />'RESOLVED: That my Senior or Group Vice Resident array nAorm m eBWft to sip speeifrc document$, agrono ate and ia*uu%ents m behalf of the Co=paay <br />pn6dad that the mamt of suet: m 6orized officer and a desaipeion of the docieumts, agemmash or ksbwwats that such officer vuy sip w91 be pmMkd in <br />writing by the Senior or Group Vert President to the Static y of the Company prior m so& ovation becoming effeetisY.7 <br />This Pourer of Amawy is signed and nakd by faesiam7e under and by tbs and-ity of ** 611owing Rtwktiou adopted by dye Board of Directors of the Company by <br />unammoas written consent dated the 25o day of April, 2012: <br />'1JL'hereas, the bylaws ofdat Cossqumy or specific resolution of toil Board of Diwom has as bxued various officm (d* "Aathozized OSom") t9 MKIAe Varian$ <br />policies, bonds, undwuldngs and other obligatory inshoasents of I** nuum and <br />Whereas, from time to tint, the sigoaturae of due Au&oti=d Officers, is addition to being ptmidtd in original, hand copy f+ornmat, may be pm ided via facsianik or <br />otherwise in antiodnenc format (cdlectn*, "Eaea+onx Sigaatam'X Now therefore bt it ms&*& that the Electronic Signature of atny* AudwuzW 0ffiew shall <br />be valid and binding an the Company,* <br />This Power of Attornry may be signed by digital sigsatntt and sealed by a digital or othsrwne eltctsoaie•fotmattad corporals seal under and by the authority of the <br />Wowing Rowhition adoptedby the Board of Directors of the Conspaty by unanimous writers consent dated dae 21th day odApral, 2022: <br />'RESOLVED: That it is in the best interest of the Company to periodically ratify and -a&- any earporm dmments signed by digital sipaftm and to ratify <br />and coof ono tha use of a digital or otherwise ekctroak-loesmatted corporals seat, tech to be oonsi vW tht wand deed of the Company." <br />ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF AMUJCAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING. FENNSYLVANIA: <br />This Power of Amnwy is made and extorted prrsunt to and by avi otity of the fdlowing moktion duly adopted by the Bond of Dh-,W s of the Company by <br />unacimous written consent dated May 10,1993: <br />"RESOLVED: sat my Semoror Group Vice President may authorize an officer to sign specific documents, agremments and insummrnts oar babatf of the Company <br />pm -;dud that the name of suel► authorized officer and a description of tie docuansrts, agreements or iashsmmenb that meh offm may sign wsil be provided in <br />urrr.. g by the Senior or Group Viet President to the Seamny of tbt Company prior io such a texuim becoming dkcf -*." <br />This Fou+rtr of Atsomey is signed and seated by (w ianle under and by else authority of the following Rswhtion adopted by the Bond of D"don of the Company by <br />aaanimoos written consent dated ffie 2S6 day of April, 2012: <br />'Wherstas, die bylaws of the Company or specific molufm of fist Board of Directors has uthorioa various offsem (that "Au&oAzed Officers') to vmcu t Various <br />policies, bonds, vndesulaags and other obligatory imtr,msmts of tam native; and <br />Whereas, from time to firm, the sipatun of the Authorized Offieets, in addition to bring pm-.ded in original, hard copy format, may be pemjdad via faesivale or <br />odmwut is an ekes ooie format (colleetn-ely, "Eketro ok Swuvzes")i Now d efon bo it nnahv& that the Ekehonic Signaram of nay Authorized Offim shall <br />be valid and binding on die Company.' <br />This Powys of Attorney may be sigma by digital sipatun and sealed by a digital at otherwise tleehvc&-5otmatted vo porm seal miler and by elms authority of the <br />following R*wkstion adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company by unanimous written consent dated the 27th day of April. 2022: <br />'RESOLVED: That it is in the best interest of the Company to periodically ratify and eeofum my corporate doctmwats signed by digital sipmhaes and to gasify <br />and confirm the use of a digital or od mwiw electsock-formatted corporals scat, each so be considered the act and deed of the Company." <br />