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5 <br />10. Entire Agreement; Severability. This Agreement embodies the entire agreement <br />between the Parties and supersedes all prior discussions, understandings, or agreements between <br />the Parties concerning the transaction contemplated in this Agreement, whether written or oral. <br />If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, <br />void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions of this Agreement will remain in full <br />force and effect and will in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated. <br /> <br />Default. If Advantix defaults under this Agreement, the City shall re-enter and take <br />possession of the Properties and to terminate and revest in the City the estate conveyed to Advantix <br />at Closing and all of Advantix’s rights and interests in the Properties without offset or <br />compensation for the value of any improvements made by Advantix. In the event City pursues <br />legal action (including arbitration) to enforce or interpret this Agreement, Advantix shall pay <br />City’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and other costs and expenses (including expert witness fees). <br /> <br />11. Assignment. Advantix may not assign this Agreement or any of its rights <br />hereunder, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the City. In the event the <br />Advantix wishes to obtain the City’s consent regarding a proposed assignment of this Agreement, <br />the City may request and Advantix will provide any and all information reasonably demanded by <br />the City in connection with the proposed assignment and/or the proposed assignee. <br /> <br />12. Dispute Resolution; Waiver of Jury Trail. Any action to enforce the terms or <br />conditions of this Agreement or otherwise concerning a dispute under this Agreement will be <br />commenced in the courts of St. Joseph County, Indiana, unless the Parties mutually agree to an <br />alternative method of dispute resolution. The Parties acknowledge that disputes arising under this <br />Agreement are likely to be complex and they desire to streamline and minimize the cost of <br />resolving such disputes. In any legal proceeding, each Party irrevocably waives the right to trial <br />by jury in any action, counterclaim, dispute, or proceeding based upon, or related to, the subject <br />matter of this Agreement. This waiver applies to all claims against all parties to such actions and <br />proceedings. This waiver is knowingly, intentionally, and voluntarily made by both Parties. <br /> <br />13. Governing Law; Venue. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in <br />accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana. Venue for any action concerning this Agreement <br />will be in the courts of St. Joseph County, Indiana. <br /> <br />14. Recitals and Exhibits. The above recitals and the attached exhibits are hereby <br />incorporated into this Agreement. <br /> <br />15. Authority; Counterparts. Each undersigned person signing and delivering this <br />Agreement on behalf of the Parties, respectively, represents and warrants that he or she is duly <br />authorized and fully empowered to sign and deliver this Agreement. The Parties may execute this <br />Agreement in separate counterparts, which taken together will constitute one original document. <br />An electronically transmitted copy of a signature will be regarded as an original signature. <br />