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2 <br />exempt from federal income taxation as stated in the Internal Revenue Service letter dated <br />November 19, 2013, attached hereto as Exhibit C. <br /> <br />2. Transfer of Properties. The City desires to convey the Properties to Advantix for <br />and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00), and Advantix desires to accept the Properties, and any <br />and all improvements located on the Properties, subject to the terms and conditions of this <br />Agreement. <br /> <br />3. Use of Properties. Advantix agrees to use the Properties only for purposes <br />consistent with and permissible under its Articles and Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue <br />Code and for no other purpose. Specifically, Advantix desires to acquire ownership of the <br />Properties to apply for low-income housing tax credits. <br /> <br />4. Investigation; Advantix Contingency. The City acknowledges that Advantix <br />contemplates acquiring the Properties for Advantix’s intended use of the Properties as income- <br />based single family and multi-family housing with a minimum of thirty-eight (38) housing units <br />(the “Intended Use”). <br />(a) From and after the Acceptance Date, and upon Advantix providing City with <br />evidence that Advantix has commercial general liability insurance reasonably <br />acceptable to City in the amount of at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) <br />per occurrence, Advantix and its agents shall have the right, but no obligation, at <br />its sole cost: (i) to enter upon the Properties to conduct the tests, inspections, <br />studies, assessments and investigations contemplated under this Agreement at any <br />time and from time to time (collectively, “Tests”); and (ii) to make such Tests of <br />the Properties and information with respect to the Properties, the Intended Use <br />and/or this Agreement, all as Advantix may deem desirable, including, without <br />limitation: [a] any environmental assessment, evaluation or study (including a <br />“Phase I” environmental site assessment); and [b] topographic, engineering, traffic, <br />parking and other feasibility studies. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Advantix will <br />not conduct any invasive Tests, including, without limitation, Phase II <br />environmental assessments or soil borings, without City’s prior written consent, <br />which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Advantix shall <br />conduct all Tests at a time and in a manner as to reasonably minimize interference <br />with City’s operation on or about the Properties and any neighboring properties. <br />Advantix shall indemnify, defend and hold City, its officials, members, employees, <br />agents, contractors, lessees, licensees, invitees, successors and assigns harmless <br />from any and all liabilities, claims, damages and expenses (including attorneys’ <br />fees, court costs, and costs of investigation) arising out of or in connection with the <br />Tests or the entry on to the Properties by Advantix or its agents. From and after the <br />Acceptance Date, City agrees that City shall, at the request of Advantix and without <br />cost to City, cooperate with Advantix in connection with any and all private and <br />governmental approvals, rezoning, land subdivisions and other matters necessary <br />for Advantix’s Intended Use.