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26SOUTH BEND, INDIANA GSC <br />SECTION 4 <br />TECHNICAL APPROACH <br />Our approach to any alternatively procured project starts with an understanding of the project <br />scope, goals, and operational constraints. In presenting our initial thoughts on the approach to <br />the elements of your project, we also demonstrate our technical ability to deliver the work using <br />similar project experience and with an emphasis on accelerating your time to finish and the financial <br />approach to managing costs. <br />A. PROJECT SCOPE AND DEMONSTRATION OF ABILITY <br />The scope of work for this project involves the construction of a new equalization basin, influent <br />pump station, diversion structure, control building, and CSO outfall structure that will replace the <br />City’s existing CSO 045 outfall structure. This work will require a new 48” interceptor sewer to be <br />installed to re-direct flow around the new EQ basin. The existing CSO structure, parshall flume, and <br />some existing sanitary lines will need to be demolished to make space for the new diversion and <br />overflow structures. Some of this work will require temporary bypass systems to be setup to divert <br />and maintain flows around the existing structures while the new structures and underground piping <br />are installed. Due to the elevations of the existing groundwater table, this project will require heavy <br />dewatering to perform the majority of the underground piping and concrete work. <br />A secondary scope component of this project involves the removal and replacement of the existing <br />clarifier equipment at Final Clarifiers 1, 2, and 3. The existing clarifiers will be converted from side feed <br />to center feed clarifiers, which will involve structural modifications to all three clarifiers. Dewatering <br />will also be required to maintain groundwater levels below the basin of each clarifier due to the <br />structural modifications that will be performed. <br />B. KOKOSING AND PROJECT TEAM TECHNICAL ABILITY <br />Kokosing is a self-performing General Contractor and we have delivered similar scopes of work for other communities just like yours. We have proposed a project team that brings you relevant wastewater experience that is directly transferable to the scopes of work you are performing. In this section we will discuss our teams project experience and technical abilities as they relate to this project. <br />Relevant Work Experience <br />As a firm, Kokosing has delivered projects that improved the treatment effectiveness of existing <br />POTWs and increases community’s abilities to capture, contain, and treat CSOs. While every project <br />has its unique aspects, CSO projects are alike in the need to complete construction on a timetable <br />outlined in a CSO plan or NPDES permit. Using GSC enables us to work directly with the Owner and <br />Designer to optimize construction to help ensure your commitments are met. Our GSC projects in <br />Fort Wayne, East Chicago, and Evansville were CSO projects, with the latter featuring a storage basin. <br />The project demonstrates our ability to deliver your storage solution on time and on budget.