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WHEREAS, after being fully advised in the matter, the Common Council finds this <br /> reaffirmation and restatement of the Resolutions to be in the best interest of the City of South Bend <br /> and its citizens. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE COMMON <br /> COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, ST JOSEPH COUNTY, INDIANA,THAT: <br /> SECTION I. Resolution No. 2519-97 (Exhibit 1 hereto) and Resolution No. 4517-21 <br /> (Exhibit 2 hereto) are hereby restated and reaffirmed consistent with the amendments contained in <br /> the Sections which follow, and the findings in the previous introductory paragraphs are fully <br /> incorporated herein. <br /> SECTION II. In addition to those areas that formed the original Professional Sports <br /> Convention Development Area(PSCD Tax Area)under Resolution No.2519-97, and as expanded <br /> by Resolution No. 4917-21 (the "Resolutions"), the 2023 amendments to Ind. Code 36-7-38.3-8 <br /> within SEA 326 contain criteria for inclusion of additional facilities within the boundaries of the <br /> City of South Bend Indiana at Ind. Code 36-7-38.3-8(0(4). To be added to the PSCD Tax Area, a <br /> facility within the City's boundaries must be: <br /> (A) owned by the city of South Bend through a board established under IC, 36-9-6; <br /> (B) titled in the name of the city of South Bend or an entity established to assist the city <br /> of South Bend or an entity to established to assist the city of South Bend to exercise <br /> its corporate powers-; . <br /> (C) occupied by the City of South Bend; and <br /> (D) used to exercise powers under IC, 36-1-4 to provide services pursuant to IC 36-4- <br /> 4-3, IC, 36-4-4-4, IC, 36-8-2 and IC 36-9-2. <br /> Facilities which satisfy the criteria listed in Section IC 36-7-38.3-8(f) (4) above, and <br /> which shall be added to the City of South Bend PSCD Tax area are listed on Exhibit 3 <br /> by abbreviated legal description, parcel numbers and tax identification numbers and <br /> consist of the City Hall which was purchased from the South Bend Community School <br /> Corporation, the Police Station, the Fire Stations, the Waste Water Treatment Plant, the <br /> Municipal Water Building, and the Equipment Services Building. <br /> SECTION III. The allocation provisions of IC, 36-7-31.3-10 (e) (2), (3), and (4) shall <br /> apply to the entire PSCD Tax Area comprised of the facilities and sites included in the Resolutions <br /> (Exhibits 1 and 2) together with those described in previous Section II (Exhibit 3), and such <br /> allocation provisions shall expire July 1, 2044. <br /> SECTION IV.The maximum amount of covered taxes that may be captured in the PSCD <br /> Tax Area described in this Resolution is ($5,000,000)per year, as per Ind. Code 36-7- 31.8-10(e), <br /> or as that statute may be amended hereafter. <br /> SECTION V. The use of the tax funds within the PSCD Tax Area shall be used for all <br /> purposes listed in IC 36-7-31-8-10 (e)which is incorporated by reference into this Section V. <br /> SECTION VI. If any terms of or conditions of this Resolution conflict with the <br /> Resolutions, and if reconciliation between the three resolutions is not possible, then the terms of <br /> this resolution shall control, and this resolution should be construed to be consistent with IC, 36- <br /> 7-31.3 as amended by SEA 326. <br /> SECTION VII.This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption <br /> by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br /> )/(_716,. <br /> Sharon Mc de, Council President <br /> South Bend Common Council <br />