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Staff Report-PC#0162-23 6/20/2023 <br /> Land Use Plan: <br /> The Future Land Use Plan identifies this area as Light Industrial, however, the size of the lot <br /> would be challenging to develop as industrial uses. <br /> Plan Implementation/Other Plans: <br /> While located just west of the South Side Development Plan, the site shares the goals and <br /> objectives of sustainable growth by supporting the use and redevelopment of land and achieve a <br /> thriving housing market within the City that offers appealing neighborhoods with diverse housing <br /> choices. <br /> 2. Current Conditions and Character: <br /> The existing area has a large amount of vacant lots and industrial uses with small scale <br /> commercial buildings as well. The surrounding area is largely influenced by Ignition Park which <br /> has slowly seen the construction of new industrial and office buildings over the past ten years. <br /> East of Franklin Street is a number of vacant lots and small scale industrial and commercial <br /> uses. <br /> 3. Most Desirable Use: <br /> The most desirable use, at this time, is a range of high density residential housing types that will <br /> seamlessly fit the established character of the neighborhood. <br /> 4. Conservation of Property Values: <br /> Allowing new development on vacant lots should improve the overall value of the neighborhood. <br /> Adding additional population to the neighborhood should help stabilize property values. <br /> 5. Responsible Development and Growth: <br /> It is responsible development and growth to allow for a variety of housing options. <br /> Analysis & Recommendation <br /> Commitments: There are no commitments proposed at this time. <br /> Analysis: Rezoning the site to U3 Urban Neighborhood 3 will allow for residential growth and increased <br /> housing options on the south side of downtown and allow for the adaptive reuse of a large vacant <br /> industrial parcel. Approving the Rezoning will allow for a greater possibility of development that <br /> bests fits the character of this neighborhood. <br /> Recommendation: Based on information available prior to the public hearing, the staff recommends the <br /> Plan Commission send the rezoning petition to the Common Council with a favorable <br /> recommendation. <br /> Filed in Clerk's Office <br /> JUN 2 1 2023 <br /> DW—N M.JONES <br /> CITY CLERK SOUTTH BEND, IN <br /> SOUTH BEND PLAN COMMISSION Page 4 of 4 <br />