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<br />Version 03/15/2023 Page - 6 Public Works Quote <br />4. The Contractor shall clear the milled surface prior to placing the tack coat or asphalt. The surface <br />shall be free of all debris and rubble. The condition of the clean milled surface shall be inspected <br />and approved by a City representative prior to placing tack coat. <br />5. Power brooms may be used for the cleaning operation if no dust is created. If dust is created, the <br />Contractor shall use a vacuum sweeper to minimize the dust. <br />6. Any milling required around structures shall be incidental to this work and not paid for separately. <br />7. Milling shall only occur at the designated locations specified within the plans. Any additional <br />milling shall be confirmed with the Engineer prior to construction. <br />8. Payment for all costs of milling, including the cost of milling concrete patches and all other <br />incidentals, shall be made at the Unit Price as specified in the proposal as follows: <br /> <br />Milling, Up to 1.5” …………………………………… SY <br /> <br />XIX. TACK COAT <br />A. Prevailing Specifications: City of South Bend Prevailing Specifications and 2022 INDOT, Standard <br />Specifications Section 406 <br />B. Additions: <br />1. Previously laid hot mix asphalt or concrete as well as any pavement that has become dirty shall <br />be cleaned and tacked prior to placement of hot mix asphalt. <br />2. Asphalt for tack shall be used prior to placement of the surface layer. <br />a. The type and grade of asphalt material shall be in accordance with Asphalt Emulsion, AE-NT <br />(INDOT Standard Specifications 902.01(b)). <br />3. The Contractor shall request the City representative to inspect the cleaned/milled surface prior to <br />placing tack coat. <br />4. Payment shall be made at the Unit Price as specified in the proposal as follows: <br />Tack Coat …………………………………… SY <br />XX. HOT MIX ASPHALT SURFACE, 9.5 MM – TYPE B <br />C. Prevailing Specifications: 2022, INDOT Standard Specifications Section 401, 402, and 906 <br />D. Additions: <br />1. The Contractor shall clean the milled surface prior to placing tack coat or asphalt. <br />2. The Contractor shall submit a job mix formula for approval five (5) days prior to any mix placed. <br />The Contractor will not be allowed to proceed with the placement of asphalt without an approved <br />job mix formula. The Contractor shall notify City 48 hours prior to placing any asphalt. Mix placed <br />without notification will be subject to no payment. <br />3. No vehicular traffic of any kind shall be permitted on any lift until the mixture has hardened <br />sufficiently to not be unduly distorted. <br />4. The Contractor shall hire an outside approved testing laboratory to perform testing. Test results <br />shall be given to City representative within 48 hours. A City representative shall be present and <br />designate a random location for all samples and density tests to be performed by a representative <br />from the testing lab. The representative from the testing lab will be required to sign the City’s <br />chain of custody form prior to leaving the site with the samples and density information.