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interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed by, the United <br />States of America; or (ii) time certificates of deposit fully <br />secured as to both principal and interest by obligations of the <br />kind described in (i) above of a bank or banks, which obligations <br />mature or are subject to the redemption by the holder thereof at <br />the option of such holder not later than the respective dates when <br />the proceeds, together with interest accruing thereon, will be <br />required for payment of the 1988 Bonds. <br />(g) "Issuance Date" means the date on which the 1992 <br />Bonds shall be issued and delivered to the purchaser or purchasers <br />thereof, which shall be 1992. <br />• (h) "Parking Facility" means the real estate and <br />facility thereon located at the northwest corner of St. Joseph <br />• Street and Wayne Street, in South Bend, Indiana. <br />(i) "South Bend Redevelopment Authority Parking Facility <br />Sinking Fund" means the sinking fund established by Section 3.01 <br />Resolution for the <br />undin Bond <br />the Ref <br />of the Trust Agreement, and g <br />payment of principal of and interest on the 1992 Bonds and any and <br />all bonds hereafter issued and payable from the rental revenues of <br />the Parking Facility and for the payment of any fiscal agency <br />charges in connection with such payments. <br />Section 2. Appointment and Acceptance of Escrow Trustee. <br />The Authority hereby confirms the appointment by Resolution No. <br />_ adopted by the Authority on 1992, of the Escrow <br />Trustee and the Escrow Trustee hereby confirms its acceptance of <br />its appointment as Escrow Trustee. The Escrow Trustee hereby <br /> <br />-5- <br />