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EXHIBIT C <br />NOTICE OF INVESTMENT <br />IN UNITED STATES TREASURY CERTIFICATES -- <br />STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERIES <br />Notice is hereby given to the holders of the "South <br />Bend Redevelopment Authority Lease Rental Revenue Bonds (Parking <br />Facility Project)" dated August 1, 1988 (the "Bonds"}, that the <br />South Bend Redevelopment Authority in South Bend, Indiana (the <br />"Authority"), adopted Resolution No. 52 entitled "RESOLUTION OF <br />THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE <br />CIF THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY LEASE RENTAL REVENUE <br />BONDS (PARKING FACILITY REFUNDING)" on April 30, 1992 (the <br />"Refunding Bond Resolution"), by which Refunding Bond Resolution <br />_• the Authority authorized the issuance of bonds designated as <br />"South Bend Redevelopment Authority Lease Rental Revenue Bonds <br />(Parking Facility Refunding)" (the "Refunding Bonds"). The <br />proceeds of the Refunding Bonds are to be used to advance refund <br />Refunded Bonds. <br />Pursuant to an Irrevocable Escrow Deposit Agreement <br />entered into between the Authority and Norwest Bank Indiana, <br />N.A., as Escrow Trustee (the "Escrow Trustee") and dated as of <br />June 1, 1992, the Authority has directed the Escrow Trustee to <br />provide such notice or notices of redemption as required by the <br />Trust Agreement for the Refunded Bonds entered into between the <br />Authority and the Escrow Trustee as Trustee and dated as of June <br />1, 1988 (the "Refunded Bonds Trust Agreement"), sufficient to <br />