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Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402, telephone (612) 338-3535, facsimile <br />• (612) 338-7264, on or before 11:00 a.m. (EST), July 13, 1992, the <br />person's name, address and telephone number. The person may also <br />furnish a telex or facsimile number. The undersigned Secretary- <br />Treasurer will cause each person so registered to be notified of <br />the date and time bids will be received not less than 24 hours <br />before the date and time of sale. The notification shall be made <br />by telephone at the number furnished by such person and also by <br />telex of facsimile if a telex or facsimile number has been <br />furnished. <br />Each bid must be for all of the Bonds and must state the <br />rate or rates of interest therefor, not exceeding ten percent (10~) <br />per annum. All bids for the Bonds shall be sealed in an envelope <br />• marked "Bid for South Bend Redevelopment Authority Taxable Lease <br />Rental Revenue Bonds (Palais Royale Project)," and shall be <br />presented to the Secretary-Treasurer at the principal office of the <br />Authority, and the Secretary-Treasurer shall continue to receive <br />all bids offered until the hour fixed for the sale of the Bonds, <br />at which time and place he shall open and consider each bid. <br />.Bidders for the Bonds shall be required to name the rate or rates <br />-*~=~ <br />of interest which the Bonds are to bear, not exceeding ten percent <br />(10~) per annum. The interest rate on Bonds of a given maturity <br />must be at least as great as the interest rate on Bonds of the <br />preceding maturity. Bids specifying more than one interest rate <br />must also specify the maturity year of the Bonds bearing each rate, <br />and all Bonds maturing on the same date shall bear the same single <br /> <br />-3- <br />\rrrompol\PALAIS.ROY\\fc\June 17, 1992 <br />