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Zoning and Annexation Committee <br /> February 28,2000 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Following discussion,Dr. Varner made a motion, seconded by Council Member Coleman <br /> that Bill No. 11-00 evi wnandsecomm the <br /> endat recommendation. The 2000 <br /> on passed.meeting and continue in <br /> the Committee <br /> The Committee then reviewed Bill No. 12-00 which would establish as an historic <br /> landmark for the property located at 528 South Eddy Street. Mr. Oxian noted that the <br /> Historic Preservation Commission held its public hearing on January 17th and sends the <br /> Bill to the Council with a favorable recommendation. School. It <br /> The area includes 19.96 acres and is the home in 1930�It is Elementary three-s ry red brick a Neo Classical Style and was constructed <br /> building with corner brick quoins and stone garlands above the front portico, around the <br /> oval window and in all recess porticos. It contains a New England style cupola and <br /> double-leafed wood paneling in the main entry. The architecture style reflects that of the <br /> Thomas Jefferson home. Mr. Oxian read a January 21, 2000 letter from Fred a Fred of <br /> the South Bend Community School Corporation (copy attached) <br /> position on the proposed designation. <br /> Dr.Varner Bill oNo. 12-00 be recommended Bill.orably to Council. The motion passed <br /> Dr.Varner <br /> The Committee then reviewed Bill No. 13-00 which would establish as an historic <br /> landmark the property located at 1917 Cedar Street. Mr. Oxian noted that the Historic <br /> Preservation Commission held its public hearing on January 17th and sends the Bill to the <br /> Council with a favorable recommendation. <br /> The property is located on the northwest corner of Coquillard and Cedar Streets. It is a <br /> brick,Tudor Revival style house built in 1927. It is a two and one-half story home which <br /> meets three(3)of the building criteria for the designation. <br /> Following discussion, Council Member Coleman, seconded by Dr. Varner that Bill No. <br /> 13-00 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> There bein g no further business to come before the Committee, it was adjourned by <br /> 3:45 p.m. <br /> White <br /> at 3 <br /> 5 <br /> nWln <br /> Chauperso P <br /> t <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Council Member Karen L. White, Chairperson <br /> Zoning and Annexation Committee <br /> KCF:kmf <br /> IMF <br /> Attachments <br /> f <br />