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Easement Nos. 63 & 65 - Two (2) Parcels Ponader Park for Electric – American Electric Power
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Board of Works Documents
Easement Nos. 63 & 65 - Two (2) Parcels Ponader Park for Electric – American Electric Power
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/14/2023 11:37:02 AM
Creation date
3/14/2023 11:36:50 AM
Board of Public Works
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#2996320v1 <br />AEP agrees to repair or pay the Grantor for actual damages sustained by Grantor to trees, <br />shrubs, decorative plantings, crops, fences, gates, irrigation and drainage systems, drives, <br />or lawns that are permitted herein, when such damages arise out of AEP's exercise of the <br />rights herein granted. AEP agrees to pay Grantor Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per tree, <br />payable to the City of South Bend, 227 W. Jefferson Blvd., South Bend, IN, within thirty <br />(30) days of commencement of Work in the Easement Area as damages for the removal <br />of any trees with a diameter of five (5) inches or greater within the Easement Area (“the <br />Trees”). It is further agreed that the City is permitted to decide which stumps from the <br />Trees AEP is required to remove by grinding and which stumps from the Trees the City <br />wants to be retained in place, if any. <br />The Parties acknowledge that AEP’s use of the Easement Area may involve Work <br />resulting in disturbance and damage to the City property within and adjacent to the <br />Easement Area. AEP agrees that at its sole expense, it shall restore the City property to <br />the same or better condition than existed immediately prior to AEP’s use, with the <br />exception of structures installed within the scope of AEP’s Work. AEP will notify the City <br />promptly upon completion of restoration, so as to provide the City with sufficient time to <br />inspect and provide written notice of its acceptance of the restoration for each portion of <br />the Property used. <br />AEP agrees that full or partial closure and/or loss of use and enjoyment of the Property <br />managed by the City’s Board of Park Commissioners, for a period in excess of 90 <br />consecutive days, would result in harm to the City. AEP acknowledges that, if the Work <br />consisting of AEP’s initial construction and installation of its facilities within the <br />Easement Area which requires full or partial closure of the Property (“Initial Work”) is <br />not completed within 90 days after the date the Initial Work is commenced, the City may <br />assess a $500.00 per day Property use fee for each day after the 90th day until the Initial <br />Work is complete. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City agrees that (1) AEP’s initial <br />tree clearing and clean-up work will not trigger commencement of the 90-day period for <br />completing the Initial Work, and (2) days where AEP is prevented from performing the <br />Initial Work due to circumstances beyond AEP’s reasonable control will not count toward <br />the 90-day period. Prior to commencing the Initial Work, AEP will provide the City with <br />written notice confirming the Initial Work start date. <br />At all times during the performance of the Work, AEP agrees to conduct the Work in a <br />manner consistent with keeping the Easement Area in good order and condition and free <br />of debris. During times of construction, maintenance of traffic and any other signage and <br />barriers must be checked regularly to ensure adequate safety zones and public paths are <br />maintained. Except in cases of an emergency, AEP and its subcontractors must notify the <br />City, by and through its Director of Venues, Parks & Arts (or his designee), a minimum <br />of forty-eight (48) hours prior to any scheduled maintenance work. <br />AEP recognizes and acknowledges that the City may seek, in the future, to improve the <br />Easement Area for the use, enjoyment and benefit of City’s residents and visitors. AEP
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