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/;rating: <br />. ~IIJG LSSL7fr Moody's Iavaatora Service, Ina.: 'A' <br />lXlERFST ONTf7P BOld]S lS ~rZXtx.UDdBLE ltEO~Y CrROSSYNCOJ{tE OF TNE' OR'1~RS THEREOF R'OR FEDEi4l1, lNGY)NE ?.Ui <br />PT/RPOSBS UIr9F.R S6C7TON I t-3 OF THE IMF,.Rl1GlL REVENUE CODE Qlt' I986,.lS.lNENDED. In the opfnton ojBaksr k Danls4, South <br />Bend. Luitona, tnrerrst tm rhs Bonds tt sxempt.]fOm a!! presenr lndimta tatYSS, sscepr riot Indiarta,~Jnanctal inctituttons tax and the LuHana <br />Inhsrlttotce rat;. Sse 'T.lX.Y.t37ERS' Ith,eii. <br />54,280,000 <br />SOU'Y'FT BEND B.&DBVELOPMENT AVCHOBYTY <br />50Y11'fi BEND. INDIANA <br />TA7CABLE LEASE RENTAL R.LTYENUE BONDS <br />(Covele:ld stadium RatStndiag) <br />Dated: December 1, .1991 Due: Much let and September 1st as tltown btbw <br />The South Bond Rtdeveloptnatu Authority (the 'D.edeveloptnantAzethority') is lstwing 54,280,000 agYragata principal atnottnt of Txxabla Lrxae <br />8.crital Revetwe 8ondt (Covelcslti 5tadium>?.efuttdiag) (the "$ottdt") for t!u putpote of refunding the RedevelopmentAuthority't outtundinf <br />Taxable Lease Ytcrttal Revenue 8onda (Covelcaki Stadiurtt Pzojoct), which bonds were issued by the Redevelopment Authority to acquire Stanley <br />Covelestci Aegianal Stadium. is 1988. The Bonds are payable $vm aemi,arvrtuai lose zontal paytneats to ba paid by the South Bend <br />Redevabpmcot Commission (the 'RedevelopmcM Cotnmirstou~ directly to Norweat Battle Indiaoa, N.A., u trustee (the "truatec'~, under a <br />~uat Agreement, dazed as of November 1, 1991, between the Redeveloptncnt Authority atsd the Trustee (the "Trust Agreetrtent "), and a leasa <br />dated as oP 7uaa 1, 1988, and amended as of November 1, 1991 (the "Lease', between the )zedavafopment Authority, as lessor, and the <br />Brdcvclopment Cottuttitsion, as leaser. <br />7hc 8oadt era being issued ptirauant to I.C. 3ti-7.14.5. The Bonds will be iaRUtd in fully rcgitterad form in tha donomitution of SS,000 or any <br />integral multiple thereof. Interest payable March 1, 1992, and actni-annually thcreafkc, will ba paid by Check. mailed by the Tntatoa to the <br />registered ovtnera xt their dddreaaoa as shown on the registration heel's maintaittad by the Trusice. <br /> TAX.AI3P.$ LEASE &ENTAL REVENUE BONDS <br /> (Covc}asYi Stadium iZcfundinpJ <br /> Iaurast ]ntc:,cat <br />Mawrity Pr4ncipal Rate Price Matvri 'not al $~ Price <br />3/1192 5345,000 4.90% 100% 3/IJ95 390,000 6.5055 100Se <br />9/1/92 340,000 $ X090 100:5 9/1795 405,000 b.70% 10056 <br />3/U93 350,000 5.5596 100',6 3/1/96 415,000 6.909u 1005b <br />9!1193 360,000 5.8596 10055 911/9ti 430,000 7.10% 100% <br />3/179.1 370,000 6.0596 10096 3/I/97 415,000 7.2555 100% <br />9/1/94 380,000 6.30% 100 <br /> (plot accrued iatrseu) <br />The Bonds sire wbject to redeutption prior to maturity, as utore fully descn'bed het~au. See "DESCRIPTION OF TTIE BONDS." <br />The Bonds are bimited obligations of the Be@evelopmeut Authority, p:{yable solely trout lase rentals lroru the Lease and certain other <br />tutuls Dledged tfiesefor tinder the Tsast Ageemeut. The Bonds do not coastitnte an indebtedness, }!lability or loan of the credit of the <br />City of South Bead or any po>iticsI snbdivisioa thereof, or a pledge of the faith, credit or taxing powerot'the City of South Bid or any <br />political subdivision thereof. Ilse l~ieveiopmend Authority has nu taxing power. See "Sl;CU13ITI' FOR THE BOAIDS." <br />This cover page contains certain infotnzition for quick n£aranee only. It it ~t a summery of thin issue. 'Invcatprs must read the entiro Official <br />Statement to obtain infnrnution essential to tnakinY sa informed imoatment dcoisioa. <br />?he Bonds an being ojJcred wham, as noel (f issued by the Rr~levelopmsnrAuthority and received by the Undznvrtur, subJect ro <br />prior sale, to witiud+awal or nsodi~.cation of 73u o„~ r wWwur notice, and so the approval of kgaltry by Baker & DanleLt, South Bind, Lviiana, <br />Bond Cou>sse1. Certain marten will ba parted upon for the Rcdeveloptnent Autho>ity and the Rsdst+elopmust Co»unisston by tlu .lttorney for <br />the pry of.Souit Btnd, Indiana, and for73ts Undarwtiur by Barnes b Thornburg, Indianapolis, Lidlana. Tf+e Bonds are expecud ro be arcilabla <br />for delivery in Indianapolis, Indiana, on or a6otx Dccsn:ber d, 1991. <br />ANC ONE CAPITAL COI2POBATiON <br />Dated: Novernbcr 13, 1991 <br /> <br />