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Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br /> November 13,2000 <br /> Page 2 <br /> neighborhood, the Eddy Street Corridor Renovation Project,and developer John Phair. He noted <br /> that to vacate the affected allies would be contrary to the rest of the plan under consideration for the <br /> area. <br /> Dean Bergan from MPA noting that his firm has also been working with the northeast <br /> neighborhood neighbors for over a year and also with Council Member King. He stated that they <br /> are working in a logical and planned manner so that good overall policies would be developed. He <br /> also noted of their continuing contact with INDOT with regard to the future widening of SR 23. <br /> The Council Attorney reminded the Committee of the thirty (30) day deadline imposed by <br /> state law, and further noted that the Petitioner could request a continuance on the Bill, otherwise <br /> the Council would have to take formal action on the Bill. <br /> Following discussion, Bernie Feeney, on behalf of the Petitioner requested that Bill No. <br /> 99-00 be continued indefinitely. <br /> The Committee then reviewed Bill No. 100-00 which is a request to vacate the first <br /> east/west alley north of Wayne for a distance of 198 feet. Dr. Varner noted that the request <br /> received a favorable recommendation from the Board of Public Works subject to various <br /> conditions which are set forth in their letter of November 13, 2000(copy attached). <br /> US Marshall Michael Carrington made the presentation on Bill No. 100-00. He noted that <br /> the primary purpose of the proposed vacation is to maximize the security of the Robert A. Grant <br /> Federal Building and the United States Courthouse. He noted that the buildings house the federal <br /> court operations, two (2) federal judges and one (1) federal magistrate as well as a five to six <br /> person security force which x-ray everything which come into the building. Mr. Carrington noted <br /> that since the bombing in Oklahoma City that the federal government requires a 100 foot setback <br /> around all federal buildings which is impossible. He also cited the bombing of the state courthouse <br /> building in Lafayette, Indiana which was caused by a pick up truck driving into the building with <br /> explosives which caused over a half million dollars in damage. <br /> U.S. Marshall Carrington noted that the alleys in question would be gated, would have <br /> security cameras and would have an intercom system for those wishing to use the alley for ingress <br /> and egress. The government is concerned about a defensible space however stressed that they <br /> would work with the parties. <br /> Joseph Malkin,Assistant Regional Counsel for the General Services Administration(GSA) <br /> then spoke in favor of the Bill. <br /> Mr. Charles Leone, the attorney for Dainty Maid, noted that his client receives deliveries <br /> via the alley in question. Large trucks come 3-4 times per day and small trucks come 6-10 times. <br /> He voiced concern that a mechanism to address this must be addressed. <br /> Jon Hunt, Executive Director of the Community Development Department noted that <br /> AMPCO runs the parking garage adjacent to the alley in question. He noted concerns with regard <br /> to fire protection and deliveries. <br /> Council Member King voiced concern that the homework on this measure appears not to <br /> have been done citing poor preparation to address all of the concerns now raised at this Committee <br />