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Exhibit K1 – Supplemental Scope of Services <br />City of South Bend <br />VPA Athletic Courts – Supplemental Services 2023 <br />2-8-2023 <br />The City of South Bend is interested in rehabilitating numerous athletic courts in various <br />locations throughout the City. Those courts are listed hereafter for reference. The City had <br />previously awarded a contract in 2022 for several parks / court locations. The City desires <br />assistance to rebid five additional park / court locations in 2023 with two parks as the base bid <br />and 3 as an alternate. <br />Tasks associated with accomplishing the City’s desired objectives is provided hereafter. Also <br />attached is a manhour estimate and indirect costs estimate. <br />Task 1 – 2023 Bid Package (five (5) parks / courts) <br />WBK will review and update engineering construction documents for bid in 2023 for five (5) <br />courts with two (2) courts being the base bid and three (3) being an alternate bid. Engineering <br />document changes will including removing sheets and items prepared in 2022 and update all <br />information on remaining courts and parks to be bid in 2023. Update to specifications <br />removing sections no longer applicable and reviewing those that remain for consistency. We <br />will also review and update cost estimates based on 2022 bids and a review of quantities. A <br />revised cost estimate will be provided. Limited bid assistance is included for the 2023 bid <br />package. <br />Task 3 – 2023 Construction Support (five (5) park / courts) <br />This task includes review of shop drawings materials certifications and catalog cuts to ensure <br />compliance with the plans and specifications for construction of five (5) courts in 2023. <br />Reviews will be coordinated to facilitate the contractor’s construction schedule. Formal review <br />and documentation will be provided to the City for each submittal. <br />Also included is field support on concerns or interpretations through formal RFI and phone <br />conversations with City staff. No filed visits are anticipated. A total of 24 hours is anticipated <br />to include any sketches or formal responses as requested by the City for the project record. <br />The manhour estimate is a budgetary figure based on current knowledge and conditions at <br />each location. <br />Support for processing change orders and project close out are also included in the scope on a <br />limited basis. <br />Assumptions: <br />• No additional survey, field verification or field visits are included.