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City of South Bend | PE Services for Safe Routes to School - Kennedy School - Des #2201237 | 12 <br />RELATED PROJECT EXPERIENCE <br />Auburn Streetscape - Auburn, Indiana <br />JPR was hired to assist the City of Auburn in the revitalization of downtown streetscapes including 6th, Main, and <br />9th Streets. The focus of these improvements was to provide the community with pedestrian-friendly streetscape <br />environments, which in turn would increase public awareness and interest in the adjoining businesses. The design <br />included new sidewalks with paver bands to separate the pedestrian and vehicular traffic, streetlights with electric outlets <br />and brackets for festival banners, new benches, bike racks, and trash receptacles. Curbed planter islands for street trees <br />and decorative plantings were also installed, and varieties of trees were carefully selected and placed within the sidewalk- <br />zone to allow for uninterrupted sightlines. Once implemented, the new sidewalks and site amenities provided a safe, <br />walkable downtown while also promoting new business for the local establishments. <br />Pumpkinvine Nature Trail - Goshen, Indiana <br />This nature trail was created to replicate the experience of biking through scenic landscapes similar to paths found in <br />the Netherlands. JPR had the pleasure of helping complete this vision by providing the development of construction <br />documents and permitting for a section of trail that stretched between County Road 20 and County Road 33, extending <br />for almost a mile. The alignment of the trail was designed to protect existing wetland areas found along the side of the <br />proposed section, while also providing a safe, scenic experience for users. The design included a pedestrian bridge for <br />bike and trail users, and a wooden overpass that can accommodate heavy machinery. <br />North Main Street Master Plan - Elkhart, Indiana <br />JPR was hired by the City of Elkhart to develop a Conceptual Master Plan for a section of the North Main Street Corridor. <br />The purpose of this project was to review the existing conditions and transform the street into a safer and more enjoyable <br />environment by incorporating facilities for pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic. It also encompassed the location of site <br />amenities such as planters, benches, and streetlights, as well as enhanced the overall aesthetics incorporating the design <br />to fit within the existing commercial and residential land uses. The condition of the sidewalks throughout the project <br />limits were reviewed for potential replacement or improvements. In addition, it was found that the area had limited curb <br />ramps that met current ADA requirement. JPR recognized the importance of unifying this corridor with improved physical <br />connections and shared aesthetics. In order to integrate pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic, prototypical cross <br />sections based on the Smart Street Standards were developed; providing pedestrian and bicycle safety was paramount to <br />the overall design.BEARDSLEY AVECRAWFORD STSIMONTON STWASHINGTON STJEFFERSON STJACKSON STCASSO <br />P <br />O <br />L <br />I <br />S <br /> <br />S <br />T <br />GROVE <br />S <br />T <br />GORD <br />O <br />N <br /> <br />S <br />TSYCAMORE STPOTTOWATOMI DRBIKE LANE <br />CONNECTION TO <br />LANGLE PARK <br />BICYCLE MERGE <br />FUTURE <br />PARKING <br />WELLFI <br />E <br />L <br />D <br /> <br />B <br />O <br />T <br />A <br />N <br />I <br />C <br />A <br />L <br /> <br />GARDE <br />N <br />S <br />PROPSED ENTRANCE <br />TO RIVERWALK <br />PROPOSED <br />SIDEWALK <br />PROPOSED BRIDGE <br />IMPROVEMENTS <br />CHRISTIANA <br />CREEK <br />FUTURE CONNECTION <br />WITH WELLFIELD <br />BOTANIC GARDENS <br />PROPOSED TREES <br />PARALLEL <br />PARKING <br />RAISED <br />PLANTERS <br />TRANSITION TO BICYCLE <br />SHARE ROAD <br />PROPOSED TREES <br />EXISTING TREES <br />PROPOSED <br />MULTI-USE <br />PATHWAY <br />PROPOSED LANGLE <br />PARK ENTRANCE SIGN 3RD STREET <br />2ND STREET <br />MAIN ST. <br />ALT: PROPOSED <br />MULTI-USE <br />PATHWAY <br />PROPOSED <br />MULTI-USE PATHWAY <br />RETAINING <br />WALL <br />ALT: PROPOSED <br />MULTI-USE <br />PATHWAY BEARDSLEY AVEMAIN ST. <br />EXISTING TREES <br />PROPOSED <br />TRAFFIC ISLAND <br />SYCAMORE STREET CONNECTION <br />TO LANGLE PARK <br />0 30 60 <br />CONNECTION TO LANGLE PARK <br />VIA SYCAMORE STREET <br />EXISTING <br />PARK DRIVE <br />PROPOSED <br />STREET LIGHTS <br />PROPOSED <br />STREET LIGHTS <br />PROPOSED <br />STREET LIGHTS <br />OCTOBER 27, 2014