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Opening of Bids - 6000 More or Less, Universal Nestable Refuse and Yard Waste Containers - Pyramid Equipment, Inc.
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Opening of Bids
Opening of Bids - 6000 More or Less, Universal Nestable Refuse and Yard Waste Containers - Pyramid Equipment, Inc.
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CASCADE ENGINEERING Report No.:3182829GRR-001C <br />Date: July 17, 2009 Reference No.: 09-0603-202466 <br />P.O. No.: ISE15448 Page 10 of 11 <br />SD 3.1.2 (10/19/07) Mandatory <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br /> <br />1.0 INTRODUCTION <br />These Terms and Conditions are incorporated into the Intertek proposal made and submitted to you. The party executing this <br />document (“Client”) indicates acceptance of this proposal as a contract between Client and Intertek which governs the performance <br />of the stated services and the rights and obligations of the parties and that Intertek may proceed with the work. <br /> <br />2.0 PROPOSAL TERM <br />Unless otherwise stated in the proposal, this offer shall remain valid until accepted, but in no event for a period longer than thirty <br />days from the date of the proposal. <br /> <br />3.0 CLIENT INFORMATION <br />Client represents that the information supplied by it or its agents to Intertek is accurate and complete and samples are <br />representative, and Client has informed Intertek concerning any dangerous or potentially dangerous characteristics of such samples <br />which could cause injury during the performance of the work or in the transporting of such samples and Client also acknowledges <br />that Intertek is relying upon such information and samples or data in the preparation of this proposal without further verification by <br />Intertek as to its accuracy or completeness. The Client agrees to hold Intertek harmless and indemnify Intertek from any liability of <br />whatever kind or nature, including but not limited to court costs and reasonable attorneys fees if information provided by the Client <br />is inaccurate or incomplete or samples are not representative. Intertek agrees that information received from the Client shall remain <br />the property of the Client and will be returned to the Client upon demand, except for that which is necessary as a basis for the <br />Intertek Reports. Client may designate in writing any information provided by Client to Intertek as confidential and proprietary. If <br />Client has done so, Intertek will not release to third parties any such information without the prior written consent of the Client or <br />only in response to a proper court order or process. As to that information, Intertek may make and retain copies. Client shall <br />designate in writing to Intertek if it does not wish to have Intertek transmit any information, including test data and Reports, via <br />electronic means. <br /> <br />4.0 PROPOSAL, PRICE AND SCHEDULE <br />Intertek will work diligently to provide the services according to the costs and schedule stated in the referenced proposal. Client <br />recognizes and agrees that the proposal is a good faith estimate of the costs for the services to be provided and times of completion, <br />but such estimate is not a guarantee of the total costs or time that may be involved in completing the proposal. Intertek will not <br />exceed the authorized estimate of costs without written authorization of Client. Samples will be shipped by Client to Intertek <br />prepaid and will be returned collect or disposed of at Client’s expense within thirty (30) days after testing is completed, unless <br />alternative arrangements are made by Client. Additional fees will be charged for unanticipated assembly or preparation of samples. <br />Test services will not be initiated until satisfactory credit has been established with Intertek’s accounting department. <br /> <br />5.0 INVOICING <br />Invoices will generally be issued upon project completion. In certain instances, interim invoices may be issued. Invoices are due <br />and payable to Intertek at its offices, within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of invoice, and Client agrees to pay reasonable <br />collection costs if necessary in the event of non-payment. <br /> <br />6.0 INSURANCE <br />Intertek declares that it maintains workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurance on Intertek employees in a form and amount as <br />required by applicable laws. This insurance does not cover any employees of Client or third parties who may be involved with the work to be <br />performed, whether on property of Intertek, Client or third parties. <br /> <br />7.0 REPORTS <br />The Client agrees to waive any claim against Intertek and defend, indemnify, and hold Intertek harmless from any and all causes of <br />action, lawsuit, proceedings or claims, including legal fees and expenses incurred by Intertek, allegedly arising as a result of <br />unauthorized use of Intertek’s Reports. The term Reports includes all reports, laboratory test data, calculations, estimates, notes <br />and other documents prepared by Intertek in the course of providing services to the Client. All technical determinations of <br />compliance arising from product, material or system evaluation shall not be considered final until issuance of a written report, <br />reviewed and signed by an Intertek qualified Reviewer. All final decisions on product certification are made by the Certification <br />Manager. Intertek retains any and all rights of ownership of Intertek’s concepts, ideas, inventions, patents or copyrights used by <br />Intertek in preparing Intertek’s Reports and the provision of services to the Client. Only the Client is authorized to copy or
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